Chariot of Doom

Chapter 858 Execution

Sex is not diffused. During this period, Shi Ji and Bai Xiaofei were attacked by members of the Sha tribe many times, and also suffered strange attacks, but they were all rescued from danger.

The sand people are very cunning, every time they escaped, they failed to catch the sand people, let alone find a way to detoxify them. In addition, during these eight months, they did not find Shi Lei and others.

Shi Ji didn't want to go to Shi Lei and the others, because she knew that after such a long time, Shi Lei and the others might have become Mo Tengfei's subordinates.

After more than half a month, Shi Ji and Bai Xiaofei actually reached the edge of the desert. Not far away is a virgin forest of ancient trees. It is not easy to find such a large forest on the Sula battlefield.

And on this day, Ye Hao finally showed signs of waking up. Shiji Daisy immediately stopped on the road and stayed in the valley. After waiting for two days, Ye Hao finally opened his eyes slowly.

Seeing that Ye Hao woke up, Bai Xiaofei curled his lips and said, "What if you wake up?" Anyway, your poison has not been cured yet. "

"What is this place?" Ye Hao tried to sit up with his hands.

Shi Ji showed joy, and immediately told Ye Hao what happened these days.

After hearing this sentence, Ye Hao looked deeply at Shiji, smiled and said, "Thank you..."

Looking at Bai Xiaofei again, he thanked him again: "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, I can't save you anyway." Bai Xiaofei smiled.

Ye Hao smiled.

"How is your health?" Shiki asked. 57

"It's still in my body, I'll see if I can get it out." Ye Hao closed his eyes and tried to absorb the toxin together with the evil Emperor Zhenli, but to his disappointment, the evil Emperor Zhenli couldn't absorb it at all Toxins in the body.

He tried again to magically force the toxin out, but he failed.

But then something unexpected happened to him. When he started to perform his work, some toxins in his body flowed into the platform and were dissolved by the platform. While the process is a bit slow, the dirt-free platform does absorb toxins.

He didn't expect the pollution-free platform to eliminate toxins. Both Shi Ji and Bai Xiaofei looked at Ye Hao. Of course, the former expects Ye Hao to dissolve the venom in his body, but the latter does not necessarily.

At this moment, Ye Hao opened his eyes, smiled and said, "Give me half a month, and my body should be able to completely remove the poison."

Daisy, she didn't ask Ye Hao what to do.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help asking: "I can't even cure the poison of the Sand Clan, how did you do it?"

Just as Ye Hao thought of how to answer Bai Xiaofei, a panicked voice suddenly came out from the depths of the mountain forest: "They are here again!"

"Don't be afraid, as long as we are together, they will not dare to do it!" Another voice appeared.

Hearing this voice, Ye Hao and Shi Ji looked at each other, their expressions changed slightly.

"It's them!" Bai Xiaofei was also surprised.

"Go and have a look." When Ye Hao stood up and walked towards the sound, Shi Ji and Bai Xiaofei followed him closely.

In the mountain forest in the distance, there is a group of people, about twenty people, all with their backs to the back, staring at the surrounding solemnity, as if paying attention to something.

Three Ye Hao walked through the forest and appeared in front of them. When they saw the three Ye Hao, they all looked different.

"Don't be like this, Brother Mo." Ye Hao looked at a person in the crowd and laughed.

This group of people did not expect Mo Tengfei, Shi Lei and others.

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