Chariot of Doom

Chapter 859 Threat

"The child is not dead!" Mo Tengfei was surprised.

Shi Lei walked out of the crowd and said, "Deputy executive, weren't you taken away by the sandman?"

Mo Tengfei didn't wait for Ye Hao to speak, and smiled first: "Brother Xiao, you should have stayed in the desert for a few months. I think the spirit stone on your body should be gone. We happened to find the vein and left." I took You go and see. "

Then he turned around and left, regardless of whether the three Ye Hao went or not.

The others looked at Ye Hao and followed Mo Tengfei away, only Shi Lei stayed behind.

Ye Hao looked at Shi Lei, smiled and said, "Let's go too."

Now, Ye Hao are following up.

On the way, Shi Lei said to Ye Hao: "Deputy officer, we want to go back to find you, but the Gauls in the ancient city seem to have been destroyed by the sand people, we can't go back at all, we all thought you fell into the hands of the sand people inside."

"It was indeed destroyed." Ye Hao said with a smile: "Did Mo Tengfei take you out of the desert?"

After a moment of silence, Shi Lei said: "Deputy executives, they are all listening to Mo Tengfei now, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Hao said with a smile: "This is already what I expected. Since Mo Tengfei wants to be the leader of these people, let him be a good person."

"Deputy executive, I would rather you be our leader." Shi Lei gritted his teeth: "We had a few people who disapproved of him at first, but they are all gone now. Although I didn't see Mo Tengfei killed, I think their death Of course it has nothing to do with Mo Tengfei's death."

While talking, Ye Hao and the others came to a canyon, hidden deep in the depths of the canyon world, where the rich outside world is a few degrees away.

"Is the vein here?" Ye Hao looked up at the canyon.

Shi Ji and Bai Xiaofei also looked at the past with joy on their faces. They lived in the desert for eight months and it was a paradise for them.

Shi Lei nodded. "This is indeed the vein we found. There are twenty people in it. They are responsible for protecting the vein."

Ye Hao suddenly asked: "Just now I heard you say that they are here again, who is here again?"

Shi Lei Su Ran said: "A month ago, our people were assassinated, now there are four or five people." At first, we thought it was aliens on the battlefield, but then we found out that it was people in the dark who killed us.

"Why did the dark forces kill you?" Ye Hao was confused.

Shi Lei looked deep into the valley and said, "They told us to give up the veins."

"Of course they don't have many people, otherwise they wouldn't have to kill a few people to threaten you and drive you out." Ye Hao said, "I think there are at most ten of them, or even less."

Shi Lei thought: "Why do the deputy executives think they only have ten people?"

You just said that there are still 20 people in the vein, plus the 20 people I saw just now, you have a total of 40 people. Ye Hao said: "The people in the dark are more powerful than the people in the water prison. As long as their number is close to twenty, they will definitely kill you all and will never be lenient." But they are not doing this now. It's just that there weren't enough of them, so I'd say about ten of them. "

Shi Lei's face showed admiration.

Ye Hao has a secret worry that most of the others are already on their way to this place.

Then, Ye Hao walked into the canyon, at the end of the canyon, they saw a rich spirit of heaven and earth, like fog, they could see many spiritual stones on the ground. This is where the veins are.

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