Chariot of Doom

Chapter 865 Shine

At this time, Li Ji said to Ye Hao: "You can defeat Wang Heng, and your strength is not bad." When she spoke, her hand was shining, and a long, red whip appeared in her hand.

Mo Tengfei and Ling Mage showed smiles at the corners of their mouths, Li Ji practiced shooting, and Ye Hao would undoubtedly die.

"I will fight for you" Zhigui communicated with Ye Hao.

Ye Hao shook his head with a smile, and went straight out. "Shaw wanted to make a bet with that girl," he said. "If this girl wins, all our lives will belong to the girl. If Xiao is lucky enough to win, the girl and her people must get out of here." What do you think of that girl? "

"What's the bet?" Richter asked.

"It's true. If you start with a girl, the odds are only five to five. If you really play with that girl, you will definitely get hurt, so you will fight with that girl." Ye Hao laughed.

"What is a literary struggle?" Richter asked.

People can't help but wonder, what does Ye Hao mean by literary struggle?

"Each of us has a magical power, whoever can learn in the shortest time will win!" Ye Hao laughed.

People in the dark part have a kind of cynicism, the boy dared to be faster than the outer man on the first day, it was beyond his ability.

Ye Hao's side is not optimistic about Ye Hao, after all, Li Ji's reputation is too loud.

Li Zhilian didn't say much, and actually took out a jade slip. Obviously, it should be recorded in the magic.

Ye Hao also took out a piece of jade and said with a smile: "This is a small magic."

"Me too." Li Zhilian threw the jade to Ye Hao.

After Ye Hao caught the jade, he also threw the jade at Li Ji.

The two immediately sat on the floor, their psychic power permeated the jade note, and they began to understand the power of the gods.

Although this is not a fierce fight, there is hanging in people's hearts, especially Shiji and others. You know, if Ye Hao loses, their lives will disappear.

One hour, two hours, three hours.

As time passed, Ye Hao and Li Ji practiced still sitting on the floor.

In Yulun, even if Li Ji is a genius again, he will spend two or three days learning magic, as for Ye Hao. No one can guess how long it will take.

sunrise and sunset


The lights around Li Ji's practice were shining, and the mana surged, forming countless French lines, and the law condensed into countless symbols, and finally turned into countless raindrops. This shows that Tai Chi's rain protection technology is about to succeed.

The crowd sighed and said that Ye Hao was likely to lose.

However, at the next moment, people's faces suddenly changed, Ye Hao suddenly opened his eyes, one hand was knotted, a blank beat, suddenly filled with runes, and turned into a tall bottle, crystal clear and golden.

This is Ye Hao's little magic in the Jade Bamboo Slips. He is one of the 72 people in the appearance of Buddhism in the Western Desert, the Aquarius Tianzhu Kingdom!

Li Zhilian also opened her eyes, she looked at the bottle cap floating in front of Ye Hao, she stood up after a long time, she didn't say anything, but looked deeply at Ye Hao, turned and walked out into the canyon.

People in the dark look at me, I look at you, and finally follow Ricky out of the canyon.

For the rest of his life, except for a few valleys such as Mo Tengfei, the rest of the valleys were filled with joy.

However, the next moment, everyone couldn't laugh anymore. Just as Li Zhilian and the others left the canyon, a group of people came in. It was Wang Heng and Wang Heng's men who came down. There are dozens of people.

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