Chariot of Doom

Chapter 866 Ridiculous

Wang Heng looked at Ye Hao and sneered, "Ye Hao, do you dare to fight Wang again?"

"Do you want to lose again?" Ye Hao smiled.

"It's you who lost today." Wang Heng said coldly.

"Xiao doesn't want to fight with his people." Ye Hao smiled.

"Are you afraid?" Wang Heng smiled and walked towards Ye Hao slowly.

Mo Tengfei suddenly sneered and said, "Our general manager is injured, you are not being fair to him now."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was stunned, and Ye Hao was injured.

Shi Ji glared at Mo Tengfei, wanting to kill Mo Tengfei immediately.

Wang Heng rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "When I killed Ye Hao and you, who knows what happened today?"

Mo Tengfei's face suddenly changed, he didn't expect Wang Heng to be so fierce. The others in the water prison looked at Mo Tengfei with hatred. If Wang Heng really ordered people to deal with them, most of them would not be able to escape.

Wang Henghe laughed and walked towards Ye Hao. His whole body was covered with amulets, cold and overflowing, and the ground was covered with cold ice. The cold lightning spread to Ye Hao's side, but Ye Hao's feet froze on the ground.

Ye Hao did not resist from the beginning to the end, and the people in the water prison said secretly that it seemed that Ye Hao was really injured, and the injury was not serious. Once Ye Hao died in Wang Heng's hands, the people in the water prison also had their lives to worry about. Will the people in Water Prison just sit and wait for them to die?

The people in the water prison are ready to deal with Wang Heng's men.

At this time, Wang Heng had already approached Ye Hao, Shi Ji gritted his teeth, and swept the knife in front of Ye Hao to Wang Heng. Wang Heng snorted coldly, and gave magic to a mysterious bird, which was filled with runes and turned into ice and snow, and the Xuanyuan bird rushed to Shiji.

The snow and ice metaphysical bird hit Shi Ji's black knife, and then hit the rock chicken. Shi Si didn't know when she was already using the air knife. When the snowbird came, the air sword was also chopped off.

With a loud noise, the snow and snowbirds shattered, ice crystals flew around, and the rock chicken was shaken back and fell to the ground.

Wang Heng's figure flashed, passed in front of Ye Hao, and said with a sneer: "I want to give you a fair chance to fight me, unfortunately, you were injured, no wonder I did this!"

Ye Hao taunted slightly at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly took out a bone weapon, and threw it on Wang Heng's head, the blazing light filled the entire canyon, and the visible weapon and light swept in all directions.

"It's him!" Mo Tengfei was taken aback.

Wang Heng pupil is a psychiatrist, and came back in a hurry, but it was already late, and Ye Hao's bone weapon was already close to his forehead. During the crisis, a flash of light flashed in Wang Hengmei's heart, a flash of charm flashed, and in a flash, it turned into a word "broken".

The word "fracture" collided with the head of the bone weapon, making a loud sound, which resounded through the sky 9 times. The impact rolled up the back wave and directly hit Wang Heng's body. Wang Hengzhen flew to more than a dozen pieces and fell heavily on the ground, coughing up blood.

Ye Hao took a bone weapon and strode towards Wang Heng.


A mage suddenly got drunk and rushed to Wang Heng's side. Ye Hao, who was kicking out the rest of the people, blocked Ye Hao's way.

The person who rushed to Wang Heng picked him up and rushed out of the canyon without looking back. The rest of the people were worried that Wang Heng was in trouble, so they all turned around and slipped away from the canyon. In a blink of an eye, all the wizards were gone

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