Chariot of Doom

Chapter 881 Stability

There are no ancient books, and neither does Mo Tengfei. Ye Hao followed Qiushanlin and Longyang, and found Mo Tengfei Luma meeting after a day.

A man from the Torture Department came out and said to him, "Lord, we have Morten trapped in the valley before us."

"Are you sure he's still inside?" Long Yangguang asked.

"Of course, the way out of the valley was blocked by our men, who tried to fly out, but were blocked by our archers," replied the man.

"Okay, let's go in." Qiu Shanlin sneered, and when the first entered the valley ahead, the other followed closely behind.

Ye Hao was also led into the valley by the four guards.

The valley was rugged, and many people slashed and killed many monsters along the way. Finally, they reached the end of the valley. Indeed, Mo Tengfei saw Lin Qiushan and others in the valley. He sneered: "I don't think I offended you, why are you chasing me?"

Mo Tengfei was very depressed. He was killed inexplicably for two years, and almost died several times in the medical department and torture department.

Long Yang said coldly: "Hand over the ancient books!"

"What ancient book?" Mo Tengfei was at a loss.

Qiu Shanlin and Long Yang's faces changed, and they all looked at Ye Hao. Mo Tengfei also noticed Ye Hao at this time. He didn't expect Ye Hao to fall into the hands of Lin Qiushan and Long Yang.

"Brother Mo, have you forgotten that each of us has half of the ancient books and can decipher the meaning of the eight characters?" Ye Hao said.

Mo Tengfei responded quickly, and immediately sneered: "This is the ancient book you told them!"

Looking at Qiushan and Longyang, he said coldly: "Unless you let me get out of here safely, none of you want an ancient book."

"We swear in the name of the master, if you hand it over, we will let you go," Akiyama said.

Long Yang also swore in the name of Master. In the north of Dianlong, the reputation of the master and the main gate is more important than his own reputation, and it is often trustworthy to swear in the name of the master and the main gate.

Except for a gate school, a lantern, and no respect for teachers. They will kill their masters if necessary.

"Can you untie my rope? I have been nervous for two years." Ye Hao smiled.

Qiu Shanlin gave his subordinates a look, and the subordinates immediately released Ye Hao from the injured rope.

Ye Hao rubbed his wrist, shrugged, and took out a bag from his bosom.

Mo Tengfei also took out one.

"Why is your book intact?" Qiu Shanlin sneered.

"Because what I said was false." Ye Hao said.

Both the Medical Department and the Torture Department pointed their bows and arrows at Ye Haomo Tengfei.

Ye Hao's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled and said: "There are two ancient books, both of which have the same content. I just want to stabilize you, so I deliberately told you that Mo Tengfei and I are halfway."

Qiushanlin and Longyang noodles are slightly heavier.

"Do you want mine or the flying one?" Ye Hao asked.

"Of course, it's both." Qiu Shanlin had regained his composure, and said with a smile, "You all sent out the ancient books."

"Not now, we have to leave here." Ye Hao said.

"Hey, that's right. What if you back off?" Mo Tengfei also smiled.

"Let them out" Long Yangguang said.

The people from the torture and medical department immediately gave way, Ye Haomo took off and walked out, Lin Qiushan and Long Yang followed them.

Coming to the forest outside the valley, Qiu Shanlin smiled and said, "Can you send the things out?"

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