Chariot of Doom

Chapter 882 Tribes

"Take it!" Ye Hao and Mo Tengfei threw the book into the air at the same time, and then neither of their heads returned to the depths of the forest.

Qiu Shanlin and Long Yang jumped up at the same time, grabbed the ancient book, and appeared in midair. Their faces are heavy. At the same time, they drank angrily: "Catch them!"

Both the Torture Department and the Narcotics Department are after them.

Ye Haomo took off and wanted to run away at full speed, but countless figures suddenly appeared in the forest in front of him, densely packed, and they all blocked his way.

They stopped almost at the same time. At this time, the people in front and on both sides came out. They were all wearing silver armor, and they were all beautiful. There was no one at all.

There are too many of these women, nearly a thousand of them, and the surrounding mountains and forests are everywhere. They are almost repairing the second piece of land, not the second piece of land of those people. In fact, they are all the third piece of land, which is the soul of the cave. .

This force is enough to sweep the entire second war zone, and no one can stop it.

Later, as people caught up with Qiu Shanlin and Long Yang, the faces changed a lot.

At the same time, in the forest behind them, many beautiful women in silver armor appeared, and there were hundreds of others. These people in nail art, Ye Haolin Qiushan and others were all besieged.

Ye Hao and others came up with an idea, where did these women come from?

At this time, in front of Ye Hao, the female soldiers gave way, and five beauties in golden armor came out. The woman on the head of the beauty opened her mouth with a faint tone: “The ugly people are all killed.”

Ye Hao and others just wondered if their ears were abnormal.

But at that point, they stopped doubting her beauty, and the female fighters started to open arms at the torture and medical department people, who they all thought were ugly and were shot at random.

Some people wanted to resist, but there were too many female soldiers, and their arrows were more like a storm, and those who resisted were killed.

Qiu Shanlin and Long Yang didn't do this, because besides the five women in golden armor, there were a dozen other monks who were basically invincible.

Suddenly, except for Ye Haomo Tengfei, Qiu Shanlin, and Longyang, only 50 people survived.

Ye Hao and everyone thought, what exactly do these women want?

Since you have come to the field of Shulat, you belong to my tribe. From now on, do not go there. The gorgeous beauty on the head is smiling, with a smile leaning towards the city.


Ye Hao and others were surprised that these women were actually from the Shura tribe. Why are they so different from Hula men?

She looked at Ye Hao and so on, and finally his eyes fell on Ye Hao, walking past, Ye Hao didn't move.

Walking in front of Ye Hao, the beauty reached out and touched Ye Hao's face, and said with a smile, "How old are you this year?"

Ye Hao instinctively avoided the hand of an absolutely colorful woman, and replied with a smile: "Sixteen years old."

"Sixteen" a dazzled woman is in front of her eyes, with light lips and a gentle smile: "You are fine."

Ye Hao was taken aback, not understanding what this amazing woman meant.

Then she turned, looked at the other four women in golden armor, and said with a smile, "Sisters, I want this man. Pick the others yourself."

Wen Yan, Ye Hao and others couldn't help but choose women with scalps and emotions as their first-choice man.

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