Chariot of Doom

Chapter 916 Learning to drive

The general manager and other people in the medical department fell down, and the four of Ye Hao surrounded him.

The chief manager passed by the four of Ye Hao and said coldly: "Whether you are together during the day or worship the moon, you can't leave alive today!"

Behind his six soul holes, he once again suppressed the four leaders, Han Tian was abandoned, Shi Yan stood on three sides of Ye Hao, protecting Ye Hao, even if he died, Ye Hao would not be harmed.

Seeing that the soul cave was about to suppress the three people, countless raindrops suddenly fell from the sky. Looking up at these raindrops, there was a color of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and even the indifference of the cold sky smiled.

The raindrop suddenly turned into a rain needle, fell down, and shot the people in the pharmacy!

The appearance of the pharmaceutical department has changed a lot, quickly dodging, the head and several other deputy executives are resisting in order to open the soul hole. However, the power of these rain needles was so terrifying that even if the master couldn't stop it, all six of his soul holes were pierced by the thick rain needles.

ah, ah. After a while, all the people in the infirmary were killed by the rain needles, and they were all covered by the rain needles.

Ye Hao struggled to stand up, looked up at the rain needle, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, it looks like you're in big trouble." On the treetop not far away, I don't know when a person suddenly appeared, and this person is Yuxuan!

"Master, if you come later, our little life will be over." Xiang'er smiled.

Yu Chuan scanned the four of Ye Hao and said with a smile, "If I didn't watch you play the magic we taught, I would hardly recognize you."

Suddenly, Yu Xuan raised his head and looked in the direction of the blood field, and said, "They are here."

With a flash of shadow, he appeared beside the four Ye Hao like a ghost. With a wave of big sleeves, Charm rolled up four Ye Hao and himself. He looked from a distance, but he could only see densely packed amulets, but couldn't see their figures clearly.

Like Changhong, the amulet flew away with them.

"Boxing, Hill"

The sound was like thunder, sweeping across the sky and the earth, a burly figure came from the blood field, raised his fist, and amulets spread all over the sky, turning into a mountain more than 100 feet above the sky. Suppress Ye Hao and other amulets wrapped in the regiment.

With this mountain under the sky, the whole world was shocked, wrapped in Ye Hao and so on, also unfolded, exposing five figures of Ye Hao.

Yuxuan looked up at the top of the mountain and cursed loudly: "Damn, he is actually an evil emperor!" He raised his hand to worship the Taoist oracle, and the amulet turned into an ancient creature, she ran out and found him claws, caught it on the big hill.

With a loud noise, the mountains collapsed, and he also became a talisman.

"Yuxuan, you broke through" In the distance, the emperor shouted in surprise: "There is no doubt that he is a Jew, although you can't make full use of it, you can do it well, otherwise, if you have Advice, you will have been seriously injured by our fists long ago."

When the emperor recognized Yu Zhixuan, Ye Hao knew that their identities had been exposed, and he had not yet completed the second test Lu Jiuyuan gave him. Of course, right now it doesn't matter if the test is done or not, the most important thing is to save your life and get out of here.

Yuxuan didn't pay attention to the emperor, he wrapped the raindrops around the four people and avoided them again.

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