Chariot of Doom

Chapter 917 Bloodline

But at this time, a person appeared on the left and right sides of Yuxuan, and another person appeared in front. The men in the front row are wearing black dresses and masks. It was not he who killed the emperor. He split his sword on Yu Zhouxuan, Ye Hao and others. Suddenly, fencing appeared all over the world.

Yuxuan had no hands, and a white man suddenly fell from the sky. In front of Yuxuan's declaration of war, he waved the crazy sand, flew the sand sword, and slashed the sword energy that killed the emperor head-on.

In fact, people's hands are one of the four principles of worshiping the moon, the wind emperor and the wind and sand.


Feisha's sword collided with the air of the sword, and everywhere was the brilliance caused by the collision.

"Thousands of miles of flying swords!" Ye Hao recognized this magical power, and the remaining soul of the original evil emperor opened weapons to kill the spirit master and others to use this divine power.

"Do you two want to take them away?" In the distance, the emperor grabbed the sky and the earth, and the spirit of heaven and earth returned to his palm, turning into countless charms, shooting at Ye Hao and the sand in the wind, etc. wait. Where the spell passed, cold air filled the sky, and there were cold air and snow everywhere.

This is a way of disabling the host's birth charm.

Almost at the same time, the emperor also sacrificed the Outer Man, Fu Tian, ​​turned into a raging fire, like waves sweeping towards Ye Hao and so on. In order to kill the emperor and the criminals, the emperor also followed suit and came out with the mountain and the sword together.

These four great emperors united to create a startling surprise.

Suddenly, a loud roar lasted for nine days, lightning flashed in the sky, the wind and clouds reversed, and countless thunder and lightning fell from the sky, destroying the four emperors' attack on Ye Hao and others.

The four emperors looked up at the sky with dark clouds, lightning and thunder. Suddenly, a huge skull was found deep in the dark clouds. This gigantic beast is a totem of moon worship.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he pulled down the tree on the ground. Suddenly, thousands of trees flew into the sky at the same time, and the sight shocked people's hearts. Suddenly, a burst of thunder and lightning swept her whole body, and thunder sounded from the trees rising from the sky.

The thunder and lightning trees are thrown to the four kings, like galloping horses, rumbling in the ears.

The four great emperors sacrificed their magical powers to resist, but none of them could withstand the impact of these trees, and they were all injured by the huge trees.


The four emperors, Yancheng, headed towards Shula's blood field. The dark emperor hiding in the dark also returned to the bloodline zone. The dark emperor wanted to find a chance to assassinate the rain house and the sand in the wind, but now he has appeared, and if he doesn't leave, he will die in his mouth.

Almost at the same time, Xiuluo donated blood to Dong, and suddenly emitted an extremely terrifying aura, which shocked Ye Hao, Xian Geer and others.

"No, let's go!" Yu Xuan's complexion changed a lot, and he quickly flew to her back with Ye Hao and others.

Her eyes flashed with thunder and lightning, and she glanced at the place where the breath came out, and then, along with Ye Hao and the others, turned into thunder that shot into the distance, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

With his departure, the breathing on the east side of the blood field gradually converged, and peace was restored between heaven and earth.

The five kings of heaven flew back to repair Luo's blood field, and they all had ugly faces.

"What a beast!" The evil emperor's mouth was spattered with blood and curses.

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