Chariot of Doom

Chapter 924 Retreat

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"What did this head say?" Elder Moji's wrinkles, the beast's attack is out of control, even some powerful beings in the deep mountains are out of control, how it will develop, even their supervisors don't know.

If the scale of the beast attack increases, many people will probably die!

"Old Mo, the meaning of the elders. Choose to continue!" The janitor hesitated and said.

"This" Moji's face was a little stiff, according to his wishes and the wishes of the people present, in this uncertain situation, it is best to call the children on the mountain and ask them to temporarily leave the mountain with the okey cards. After the rampaging beast attack subsides, choose to start again.

But at this moment, Luo Yunzong's high-level meaning seems to not allow the network to forgive one party, insisting that the wrong party will be wrong.

In this way, I don't know how many young people from Yunzhou died in the mountains. It's too cruel. Even they have the responsibility to supervise the elders, and they have to bear it!

"Forget it, I can't go against the old man's wishes." The old man Wu Qingfeng sighed, the boat was already done, and in the eyes of the old man, this matter was not left for them to decide.

"Yes, those old people have been in the spiritual realm all year round. They are used to more brutal and bloody killings, and this difficult test may not be much in their eyes." A white-haired old man also shook his head, Obviously Luo Yunzong's extraordinary elder.

"Looks like we can only pray for the little ones. Most of us, are terrified of being attacked by such a big... beast."

In the end, the twelve agreed and chose to proceed.

And they don't intervene in this wild beast's attack. This is the gate of will, and they cannot violate it.

"Deacon Liu, after you go down, you must ask old man Yao to investigate thoroughly. If someone obstructs you, you must punish him severely!"

Affectionate old Moggie, with unabashed coldness in his old eyes, ordered the deacon to hear the news before the party dispersed from the hilltop.

"Yes!" Liu Zhiyi nodded respectfully, then glanced horrified at the commotion in the jungle below, which disappeared into the night.

Somewhere in the jungle, like thousands of young men on the mountain, Ye Hao soon realized that this beast was much more terrifying than imagined.

On the edge of the mountains, with the influx of wild beasts, they have become the purgatory of the world!

Along the way, Ye Hao and others have seen too many teenage girls die, and more girls are in fear and despair, prompting Aoki Pai to choose to give up this choice.

Now on the outskirts of Bawang Mountain, you can see the carrier of the young Junjie leaving the mountain everywhere in the sky.

The moment those people urged Aoki, they undoubtedly lost the qualification to join this super sect Luo Yunzong!

"No, it seems that there is no safe place on the outskirts of the mountain, we have to do something!"

I don't know how long I ran, Ye Hao stopped and shouted to remind the public that we should spend a long time discussing.

In just over half an hour, their team went through more than a dozen bloody battles, and a dozen people were injured. If it wasn't for Ye Hao's tough body and strong armor behind him, it would have been blocked. In front of them, they could be crushed like a lot of teams.

Along the way, they were impacted by the tide of animals. There were groups of powerful beasts, usually hundreds of thousands of them, such as stone scale tigers, storm leopards, fire oxen, magnolia pythons and so on.

Some animals of lower status, such as iron rhinos and koalas, have become followers of these high elves. Where they pass, the armor will not be trampled!

Even in the air, it's not safe. The wild animals in the jungle are raging and killing. At lower altitudes, there are also ferocious birds. From time to time they swooped down, covered a crowd of men and horses, and set off a bloody storm.

It was a heart-pounding spectacle that not even the stunning little girl in their team could bear. There were so many prey that it was no longer possible for them to scatter them.

Worst of all, it now appears that they have less and less room to escape. There are wild beasts attacking and fighting everywhere. There is only an inch of peaceful soil on the outskirts of the Bahuang Mountains, which are dozens of miles away. After that, it is a solid space barrier. These invisible lands are by no means broken by monks at their level.

Ye Hao obviously realized that the situation was bad and there was no way out. In this case, they would be surrounded by waves of beasts sooner or later.

"What do you think?" Hearing this, Jiang Nian frowned. Ye Hao is very insightful. He also has great hearing. He and Ye Hao have the same opinion. He also vaguely felt that these people, like many around him, were getting into a big pocket and going on like that. Sooner or later there will be a big problem.

"Impossible. There are only two options, either push Aoki away, or move horizontally, trying to kill a bloody road and go deep into the mountain!" Ye Hao quickly made up his mind.

"What a misfortune that we went to the mountains and found ourselves in the place where the wild beasts attack most ferociously!" Dan Tai Wanqiao looked resentful and seemed angry, but he was caught in a dilemma.

"Haha, Nizi is not angry, it is useless to be angry, how to make a decision?" Ye Hao shook his head helplessly, comforting the young girl.

These people are really unfortunate. They landed on a narrow terrain on the outskirts of Dozens of Mile Mountain. When the Beast strikes, the way out is death and death, unlike some leagues and teams. It is easy to avoid the main force of the animal tide in advance.

"Go south and kill

A damn road! "

After a moment of contemplation, she decided to bite her silver teeth. She knew that this was not only the wish of the brother, but also the wish of almost everyone present.

Sure enough, everyone was not surprised by the girl's decision, and one by one made ruthless, tightly grasped weapons, and followed the girl to the depths of the forest to the south.

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