Chariot of Doom

Chapter 925 Deep

"Roar~" Soon, Ye Hao and his companions encountered the tide of beasts again, hundreds of fish and dragons mixed with ferocious beasts, red eyes, stimulated by the bells of the beasts, saw living people fighting, ferocious and bloodthirsty !

"Let's go!" Ye Hao and Jiang Henian were drinking at the same time.

Immediately a pair of punches and a Harper would quickly rush to the front to kill the two Wolf teams.

But a bigger wave was still behind, and hundreds of beasts, led by a red bull, saw their men and horses, pointed directly at their heads, and rushed to kill them.


Ye Hao was taken aback, and quickly lifted a huge boulder several thousand jins thick to smash it into pieces. Then he didn't dare to love this battle, and soon followed behind the team.

"Bang!" After counting the rest, the boulder was angrily knocked off the cow and torn apart. The giant beast's footsteps were just a meal, and then continued to chase.

"Fire Bull is a sixth-level spirit, be careful!" Jiang Nian was in charge of greeting Ye Hao who was behind a group of people. The light from the corner of his eyes saw the big red bull behind him, and he quickly whispered to Ye Hao.

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded with a solemn gaze, and this sixth-level spirit beast was already able to behave like a 9-year-old or above Western religion monk. Every strike can be played out on the road, and many natural killer canes rival the martial arts of humans.

Such an existence is undoubtedly a bit tricky for him now, even more difficult than the monk's blood, because his current greatest advantage, the strength of the flesh and the strength of his veins will be greatly reduced to these souls. "Those big guys are born with steel bones. Even if it weren't for his extremely strong blood, they wouldn't be too far away when they reached the level of a sixth-order monster!"


Ye Hao thought that this mighty fire bull was really in trouble, the red light flickered between its two horns, and it spewed out a substantial pillar of fire.

"Be careful!"

"Phenom weapon!"

Just when Ye Hao got up and was about to sacrifice Mo Yun's sword to extinguish the fire bull's treasure, Jiang Nian took a big sip, the long Haber stirred, and a green rainbow had been established!

Jiang Nianxin knew the power of the sixth-order spirit beast treasure technique, so he didn't dare to let Ye Hao shake his body vigorously, but competed with him with powerful military skills.

"Bang!" A deep voice, in the explosion sound from the forest, the green rainbow seems to be unremarkable, it can touch the fire column for an instant, but still split it, suddenly the fire splashes, a The people behind the large forest, burning the sun.

"A good treasure, a powerful martial art!" Ye Hao was amazed, in front of Little Nicole's powerful power, he understood the powerful means after blood fusion, and now, Jiang Nian's hand also made him afraid.

"Oh, it's nothing, when you reach the state of blood nine, you will understand the power of using halos to enhance military technology." Jiang Nian said with a calm smile: "So many people looked down on you before, you may feel very Wronged, but the bloodshed of nine people is indeed a huge watershed, and after crossing the river, the fighting power is not just a brute force." In martial arts, infusing aura will greatly enhance strength. "

oh. Ye Hao listened to Jiang Nian's guidance humbly, and there was a moment of silence in his heart, but the path of a monk was much wider than he imagined. He walked out of the small mountain gate of Chuan Yunzong and really set foot on the land of Kyushu. Only then did he truly realize the power and means of the monk. If he could step into that legendary spiritual realm, his comprehension could happen again, with hundreds of ferocious beasts behind him. Ye Hao's lines are really bad under the circumstances at this time!

The fire bull is a sixth-level spiritual beast, and unless it has a strong card, it cannot be dealt with by monks of the tenth or eleventh level with ordinary blood.

Among them, the one who could defeat the Fire Bull seemed to be just Jiang Nian's unfathomable little girl, but the situation was so critical that they couldn't stop it.

At this time, the entire mountain range was surrounded by wild beast tides, falling into a white-hot situation, and dead people were everywhere, once a little hesitant, trapped in a large number of wild beast tides, I am afraid that even the monk's blood can't be drunk!

Fortunately, although there are not many Ye Hao in this team, they are strong enough. Except for Ye Hao, the rest are all from the royal family Hou Yifan, which also means amazing.

"Jiang Tao, you take four or five people to the back, use the purple wooden bow to release the falling stars and arrows to stop the beasts, Ye Hao and I will take care of you!"

Seeing that the situation was critical, Jiang Nian drank a cup and called five or six teenagers to rush to the middle of the team.

"Yes!" Jiang Tao heard that he didn't hesitate, looked at each other with the five teenagers, then slowed down a little, and soon fell behind the team.

At this time, these six hands were all taken out from the deep purple bows and arrows, and each hand held a strange arrow full of arrows.

The shape of this arrow is thinner than normal. The entire body is engraved with dense runes, and the arrow feathers glisten, as if they are not made of ordinary bird feathers.

When the six of Jiang Tao were drawing arrows, the arrow shot out from the arrow, and the red arrow caught Ye Hao's eyes.

The six of Jiang Tao didn't hesitate, they were ready, with ferocious expressions, bows and arrows full of purple, all of them would shoot arrows, and they could only pick out those beasts with moving speed to shoot.

"woo woo"

At this moment, the six strange arrows, Jiang Tao and others, are turning into a ribbon, flying towards the target like a shooting star.

"Plop" Then, all the strange arrows hit the target, and six blood wolves with at least a second level of strength fell to the ground, and were shot by the arrows, blasting out a bloody hole.

"Hush. What a powerful arrow. Isn't this a psychic?" Ye Hao was taken aback, sighed, those strange arrows and big purple bow, determined not to be any soldiers,

And this kind of power, I don't know how powerful it is, is much stronger than ordinary bows and arrows.

Ye Hao reckoned that in the attack just now, the blood of ordinary monks of level six or seven would be easy to use weapons!

He said, "Oh, it's not a psychic weapon, it's just a sharp weapon between a soldier and a psychic weapon. Our alchemists in the back room of the North Wind make arrows from special materials and engrave runes on each amulet arrow. Naturally, such weapons greatly enhance its power," he said. Of course, making these razor-sharp weapons is not cheap, almost a five-foot symbolic arrow! "

Jiang Nian smiled, disapproving, and explained the source of these sharp weapons to Ye Hao, and he was very patient.

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