Chariot of Doom

Chapter 936: The Beast

was coming towards him.

"Brother Ye Hao" she knew that Ye Hao probably guessed what the "beast spirit musk" was for, and she didn't want to drag them down.

Boy, afraid of hammers, not just a little musk beast soul, hurry up, one day after birth, I will help you erase the traces of this thing.

Jiang Nian is Ye Hao who drinks freely, but although his deliberately suppressed voice is strong enough, even when he is a little rough, he can obviously feel the lack of spirit.


A strange thing made of animal spirit grass and various precious spices is the "big evil thing", which can make spirit beasts and even evil beasts lose their minds the most in the world.

Some rich powers will let these strange things set traps to trap powerful animals, but at present, Ye Hao is unfortunately polluted by these things, and is still everywhere among the wild animals in the barren mountains.

This time, even Zheng Jiangnian was a bit desperate. He knew that this meant that no matter where Ye Hao was next time, he would become the center of the giant beast. Even the blood coagulation gang didn't necessarily have to protect him.

"Oh, you can rest assured that God cannot accept my life, let alone this group of animals, I will be fine..." After the cold heart, Ye Hao gradually regained his calm, Shen Tao.

"Brother, please don't do stupid things." She looked at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, almost begging him, and she was already in tears. Although she also knows the musk of the beast spirit, she will never give up on him, even if Ye Hao goes where she goes, she will not give up on him.

"Listen, Nitz, this is not the time to take things seriously. I'm the only one on the team with this spirit. It's useless to be with me, instead, if I'm on the road alone, use my body, there may be a way out."

In the process of running away from home, Ye Hao said calmly, he didn't deliberately deliver an impassioned speech, but every word clearly fell into the ears of Dantai and his party, that is Jiang Nian.

ah. And around this time, many handsome young men had begun to be swept up by the tide of beasts, and cries of pain followed.

"Ronal!" More than a hundred feet behind him, the evil ape opened his mouth, and a group of people were immediately attracted by him to an irresistible force, like two blood basins. As soon as the human figure entered its mouth, it was blown into a ball of blood!

The killing started again, and many people knew that the beast's soul was so powerful that they didn't dare to follow Ye Hao around.

"Roar!" As expected, as expected, those unfortunate souls previously contaminated by musk had fled in all directions, but the tide of beasts continued to be chased and killed by the waves.

Ye Hao turned a deaf ear to the whispers and infiltration movements around him. His eyes were still heavy, and he continued: "Well, you have to trust me, I won't die. Remember, no one will follow me in the future, and none of you will follow me!"

"Brother Ye Hao" Dantai Wanning shook his head. She guessed what Ye Hao was going to do.

"Nicole obeyed, and there is still a chance to be apart for the time being. If we get together, we won't be able to live!"

Ye Hao said seriously, he didn't say anything negative. At this time, although the tide was scattered into several waves, the main force was still chasing their team, not only the demon two-headed ape, but even the unicorn and the fire bull. chasing their team.

And, as if the spirit of the beast was stimulated by musk, the tide speed of the main force was actually getting faster and faster. At this time, they were obviously free from the unscrupulous burden, and under the blessing of the wind, the wind was thousands of miles away. The speed has returned to the best level, but the distance has decreased a little.

Ye Hao knew that sooner or later they would get into trouble in this way, and what worried him most was the two-headed devil ape.

The great, while not very fast among beasts, was no slower than monks at their level, and was at the forefront of the beast tide.

What Ye Hao is most worried about is that ferocious beasts approach from afar and kill their towns with powerful treasures. When the time comes, everyone will die!

Listening to Ye Hao's calm and serious words, whether it was simple and peaceful, or Jiang Nian and others, they were all silent and full of sympathy.

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