Chariot of Doom

Chapter 937: Finally

hopeless. These spirits and beasts, especially the descendants of ancient ferocious beasts, are stimulated by the musk of beast spirits. It's gone crazy, the hunt is getting faster and faster, and their advantage is slowly disappearing.

Along the way, they saw so many dead around them that many knew that if they aligned themselves with the musk-tainted figure, sooner or later it would be their turn, and not for long.

only. Don't talk about the simple euphemism factors of Riyue Island, only Ye Hao showed such decisiveness, which made them unable to let go.

These Beifeng's outstanding young generation came from behind, all of them have iron bones, but they are determined not to abandon their companions!

"Well, there's no need to be so pessimistic, I really have a strong body style, you see!"

Ye Hao moved in his heart, and then he didn't hide his clumsiness. In front of everyone, Phantom Fox started his steps, accelerated suddenly, rushed to the front of the team, immediately, and then came back.

Until now, no one in North Wind had said Howe wanted to abandon him. These guys, while they didn't want to bring him, they were here, but they took care of themselves.

A group of people killed a piece of armor for their own strength in an open space without leaving the scene. Ye Hao looked into his eyes and felt very warm in his heart.

"Brother Ye Hao, you"

Seeing that Ye Hao really possessed such a powerful body and martial arts, there was finally a trace of blood on his face.

"Well, I'm not trying to be brave, but I'm really sure I'll go with you as soon as I get out of the trend. Well, it's not too late. Be careful and remember not to run in the same direction as I did. "

Ye Hao nodded, took a deep breath, the phantom fox started to walk, chose a direction, and ran to the depths of the forest alone, the beast behind him was getting closer and closer, now is not the time for ink.

"Princess, let's go too. You should know that we can't do anything to him, which will affect his flexibility." Jiang Nian sped up his movements to comfort the little girl, seeing the boy's head didn't come back to leave, for some reason, His heart was touched.

From the beginning to the end, the young man purposely kept his distance from them after being tainted with the musk of the beast's soul.

Jiang Nian asked himself with such a sense of pride and justice that he had never met his peers for many years, and this was a friend worthy of deep friendship. "Your Highness, don't worry, the Ye Hao brothers have nothing to do with this matter."

After Ye Hao went on the road alone, Jiang Tao and others were also comforting the girls, not only Jiang Nian, but everyone here admired Ye Hao's previous behavior.

"En." Tantai Wanning nodded her head slightly, and began to pray for Ye Hao silently in her heart. The latter revealed such a soulful pace earlier, and the girl no longer stubbornly persisted.

She is dexterous in ice and snow, so she naturally knows that with the pace of her soul, Brother Ye Hao is with them again, and they will only drag each other.


But just when the little girl was about to leave the riverside and his party at a high speed, suddenly, a figure passed by, and Ye Hao turned around.

Look, the girl, Jiang Nian and others are very happy. Frankly speaking, although there is such a reason to comfort themselves, seeing their companions leave so fiercely, for their sake, each of them feels very uncomfortable.

Especially Dantai Wanning, at the moment her concern for Ye Hao was almost to the point of fear, seeing Ye Hao back, she was relieved, and felt that even if we died together in the end, it would still be a good home.

"Hey, that's not what I meant."

Seeing a group of people so happy, Ye Hao was moved and a little speechless.

When he came back this time, he didn't "change his mind", but he had a fortune to bring to a group of people.

At this time, in Ye Hao's hand, a black cloth bag was added, which was in the thin dripping water, and the black cloth bag seemed to have something alive wriggling.

Take a bite each in a hurry, and eat as soon as you eat, be careful not to get hurt by the needle when eating, like a fish... Ye Hao gave Dantai the dripping cloth bag euphemistically, and persuaded him earnestly.

The little girl immediately picked up the cloth bag, a little suspicious. He also took out a very delicate dry kun bag from his sleeve and put it in Ye Hao's hand. He said: "Brother Ye Hao, you walked so fast that you almost forgot to give this to you. There are many Zhu Lingdans, and there are three gods to escape." Injecting spirits to crush it can send you to two or three in an instant Miles away, can be used to protect life! "

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