Chariot of Doom

Chapter 939 Opportunity

He Ying and the others didn't notice Lu Wenhao's subtle behavior. He Ying's eyes were already filled with fiery greed. He is an alchemist, and the soul that is commonly used is not only powerful, but even blood costs a lot of money.

And the black stone fish is undoubtedly the dream of every craftsman!

"Don't be silly, this boy has already been attacked by the tide of beasts and demon spirit apes, and the influence of the beast's soul musk will not disappear in three days. Don't you know that His Highness is afraid to walk with him?"

Although his heart was also filled with strong greed, Lu Wenhao undoubtedly maintained a trace of sobriety, and glanced at He Ying lightly.

"Hmm! It's lucky for that boy, I hope God can let him live, in that case, ha." Miao Feng sneered aside.

Somehow, at this moment, he didn't want the boy to die in the hands of wild beasts and ferocious beasts, but hoped that the boy could live well, and then. Be his prey!

In fact, ten people present shared his thoughts on…


Somewhere on the outskirts of Bawang Mountain, Ye Hao didn't know that someone missed him, but he knew very well that his current situation was not optimistic.

He was now running with death, and behind him a great pack of beasts, led by vicious apes, pursued him with bright red eyes, and everywhere the forest was removed to the ground.

What's even more frightening is that as time went by, Ye Hao gradually discovered that the wave of beasts looking for him was getting bigger and bigger. In the blink of an eye, two or three thousand ferocious beasts gathered into a group of animals with no end in sight.

At this time, the scene behind him was spectacular and terrifying, all violent beasts in riots, even the mighty and aloof souls did not know how many there were, once they approached, the treasure was full of dazzling magnificence. He was killed with a weapon.

If it is commonplace to melt the monk's blood, he would have been bombed to grab the ashes long ago. Ye Hao can persist now, relying on the exquisite physical method of Phantom Fox.

Even so, he was hunted down in great pain, having previously placed a fortune on the back of a unicorn-lion.

Although Ye Hao is dangerous and dangerous, avoiding most of the treasures of power, but Yu Bo's treasures will still be bleeding from the exploding flesh on his back, which is really painful!

"By the way, it is a seventh-level spirit beast, but the art of the treasure is so terrifying that it is almost comparable to the martial arts of the local people."

Along the way, Ye Hao has been crying in pain. Every time the phantom fox comes out, he can open a certain distance for him. But those murderous big shots behind him are not vegetarians, such as high-level spirits such as blazing bulls and unicorns. Even tens of feet apart, he suffers.

The only thing to be thankful for is that although this two-headed devil ape is the descendant of an ancient monster, it is the most terrifying in the tide, obviously not particularly good at moving speed. At this time, it is in the middle of the trend. Unlike large four-legged creatures such as fire bulls and unicorns, they are at the forefront of the beastly trend.

Every time I see the two terrifying heads open their blood vessels and create a fierce force, this is the first time for Ye Hao to walk around with the ghostly shadow fox, and he suddenly speeds up without hesitation!

The aftermath of this high-level divine beast was enough to make him drink a pot of water. If these terrifying beasts use the great killing techniques left over from the ferocious beasts of ancient times, Ye Hao estimates that he might not even be able to resist the aftermath of the treasure art. He absolutely wanted to kill the dregs immediately, he didn't dare to give the two-headed demon ape a chance!

"Sand! Wow"

After a while, on the right, there was the sound of something huge being dragged from the forest, and there was a pungent smell in the air, which was disgusting.

Ye Hao has a cold back and an ominous omen.

"Sand, click!"

Suddenly, tens of feet ahead, on the right front, accompanied by a piece of trees being razed to the ground, Mao Lin, two pairs of big fierce eyes like lanterns, suddenly exposed, exuding a bright red light!

"Mulan python?"

Ye Hao's face was green, and he took a deep breath.

They are two big snakes about a hundred meters long, filled with red and red water tanks, with two pairs of large orchid horns on their heads, and some legendary real dragons. "

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