Chariot of Doom

Chapter 940: The Beast

However, the big mouth of the blood basin exudes black venom, and it is difficult for people to connect it with the powerful and oppressive real dragon in the legend. It's more like a petrified, oozing poison in the world, and after escaping from the forest, it's hard for people to connect it with the real dragons that are said to be powerful and oppressive. Look at Ye Hao here!

These are two magnolia pythons, real octopus beasts, and this is the focus of Ye Hao and Leng Xin when they see the appearance of these two behemoths.

Ye Hao had heard that the giant magnolia python was not only ferocious, but also very fast through the forest.

The deadliest thing is that, in addition to the innate powerful magic, these high-level souls can also spray extremely corrosive and terrifying venom from a distance. Such things, such as those that are not easily tainted by the strong, are not easily tainted by these things, and they fight very hard against them. Had to get enough gas out of the hood all the time.

Now that he can repair it, he has the powerful means to help protect his body. Facing the two Mulan gnomes that suddenly appeared, Ye Hao's face was ashamed!

"Oh my gosh, it hard to be stuck here?"

Ye Hao suddenly made a sad call, and immediately, without hesitation, the phantom fox went to the extreme, and quickly changed the direction of the march, not daring to hit the poison of the two worlds on the mouth of the weapon. Facing the two magnolia pythons known as highly poisonous substances, Ye Hao had no intention of fighting. The soles of his feet appeared to be stained with oil.

Although he and Wang Yue believed that it was natural for the boy to kill Ziyan together, but the magnolia python could not be compared with Ziyan.

Although the latter is also a kind of poison, even in adulthood, it is no more than a fifth-order spirit beast at most. In addition to being highly poisonous and powerful physically, it is impossible to attack like a high-level spirit beast. These two cannot be compared in the same way!

"Nimma! It must be the musk of the beast that brought these two magnolias. Lu Wenhao, wait for me. When I come out, I will never let you animals go!"

The more ferociously the group of beasts chased and killed Ye Hao, the more ferocious Ye Hao was at this time, and more and more people hated Shenwuhou's family at this time. What about the boy's identity fear? Dare to frame him and Nicole and his party? This touched Ye Hao's bottom line. you have to

However, this is obviously not a ferocious time. The demonic apes with some powerful souls are chasing wild beasts in groups. Ye Hao has to deal with it calmly, there is no other way.

He only chose some ravines and stones to escape from, so as to restrain the speed behind them.

The strategy really worked. Although the obstacles along the way could not stop such a huge wave of beasts, it seemed even more empty in front of the two demonic apes, the fire bull, Mulan, and the unicorn. However, this slows down the momentum they are after.

"By the way, those animals hurt me, why should I pity them and let them taste what it's like to be chased by a giant beast!"

Suddenly, Ye Hao's eyes lit up, and in the process of escaping, he met many young heroes who took the exam along the way. Those young heroes saw themselves being chased and killed by so many ferocious beasts, though it was unbelievable. But it was also the first time he ran away in a panic.

After a while, he became the number one "disaster" in the eyes of the public, and many teams and leagues, in the process of fleeing him, stayed away from the shadows, afraid of being affected.

And these people's "fear" of them is undoubtedly a reminder to Ye Hao, and the current him is really discouraging.

Hey thought to himself, a sneer appeared on Ye Hao's face, and immediately, his eyes swept across the forest, he chose a direction with more people, and ran away quickly.

In a corner on the outskirts of the mountains, Xia Houxian and his party were hunted down. Many people in the team were seriously injured. Even the leader of the regiment, Xie, was covered in blood and upset.

Until now, it has been impossible to know whether the blood on his body was from an animal or from his wounds.

This summer, Houyin is the young master of the Xiahou family in Qingyang. He is well-known in Qingyang City, and he is very close to several fairy-like marquises on weekdays.

Participating in the selection of Luo Yunzong this time, Yuan formed the strongest alliance with Duan Linxi, Lu Wenhao, Yu Wen and other famous elite children. Looking at the tens of thousands of younger generations, it is difficult to find the strength to compete with them .

In fact, if it wasn't for this sudden terrorist attack, in the view of Xia Houyin and others, it is only a matter of iron to bring their lineup of violent elements to gain faith in the end.

They can even use this opportunity to weaken the vitality of this generation of young people on the land of Yunzhou, so that they can gain momentum in the future struggle for hegemony.

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