Chariot of Doom

Chapter 952: Fate

He already knew the cause and effect from Spring's memory of the old spirit. Ordinary monks may not dare to embark on this path in the early stage, but with his strong soul, Ye Hao believes that he can survive and die in death. Open another door on the way.

Therefore, although the body has been thrown into the purgatory of hell, Ye Hao's will still suffers from all of this!

As long as he can overcome this obstacle and achieve a new life, he will not be too far from the blood of the birth creature.

In the misty night, deep in Barwon Hill, a group of men and horses fled in confusion.


Behind them, more than a hundred roads covered the faces of the black shadows, and they were pursuing them, exuding a strong breath every time.

"Your Highness, stay away from us. With your strength, killing people is not difficult." In front of the people and horses, Jiang Nian was already covered with blood, and his resolute face had already revealed a ferocious color.

A few days ago, they left the outskirts of the mountain and were suddenly chased by a large number of men in black when they were looking for Ye Hao.

Each side was a mighty brute, and each weapon, was relentlessly seeking to kill them, and in just a few days, they lost a dozen of their companions.

Now there are only seven or eight of the twenty-eight or so people left, who escaped the clutches of the beasts, but were finally attacked by these mysterious people, and they are now in a bit of a miserable situation.

"No, Ye Hao's brother is gone, I can't leave you alone, let's go!"

Beside Jiang Nian, the girl's beautiful eyes were covered by cold light. That night, after using contraindications for Fengshen's surgery, she hadn't fully recovered, and she couldn't continue to loosen the seal in her body and release all her power.

These people took advantage of this opportunity to kill them and stop them. Everyone hid. Obviously, in the dead of night, Ye Hao's body was like a melting pot with red lights burning. This scene has lasted for several times. hour.

This time, in order to complete such a terrifying group of gods, Ye Hao's situation is actually extremely dangerous. He is breaking the shackles of people's blood and bodies, and wants to use his body and road to repair the same shackles like those who were born. Body.

In fact, this is an extremely unfavorable behavior. Many monks tried it in ancient times, and many of them had amazing talents. They believed that the future would be the pinnacle of evil, but there were also many.

But invariably, these people fail, and it is commonplace for them to lose their means of self-healing, even for geniuses who degenerate early in life.

It seemed that in the end the weakness of the people was a kind of destiny, as if the shackles were forever inescapable, holding back the number of young monks who worked in this way.

Gradually, even many powerful and giant people have lost confidence in this road, thinking that this road cannot be walked at all, and that people are born with an insurmountable distance.

There are too many bones buried in this road, and there is no reluctance to settle the dust in history.

The reason is that people's innate blood is too fragile, and the power of the soul cannot be compared with innate life, which leads to the last step of this process. The souls of countless evil characters could not bear the torture of that kind of purgatory, their consciousness collapsed, and their flesh and blood, under the baptism of the ultimate God of the soul, sadly walked into a spiritual element between heaven and earth.

And more geniuses, even this step is not smooth, extreme spirit is rare in ancient times, and the vast universe is hard to find, the most likely way is to kill the innate spirit, slowly Distill the essence of the spirit of nature.

But this way is really too difficult, the innate life is very strong, not to mention human beings, even if you look at the spiritual area of ​​the Wan tribe, it is the existence at the top of the pyramid, and only the innate living spirit always swallows the blood of the alien race Essence, there are very few examples of aliens threatening innate life.

In this regard, Ye Hao has a unique advantage. With his current strength, even if he meets a young natural creature, it will only be crushed, but the black stone fish is a rare treasure in the world. It is not difficult to swallow the extreme fragments of the spiritual shell and add a lot of things to condense the god who needs to be transformed.

In fact, now that Ye Hao has done this step, his spirit has been integrated into the blood, and the last time on the underground river, his flesh and blood were pressed to the people's symbol, completely standing on the steps that can be completely transformed.

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