Chariot of Doom

Chapter 953 Stage

Now, his powerful soul is desperately suffering and persisting, his blood and bones are being melted by endless force, unable to speak in words, and ordinary medicine may also be dissolved by force or some kind of external force. But what happened to Ye Hao at this time, it is useless to use any means.

The divinity of God is in his blood. Now, it's too late to regret. Ye Hao has full confidence in the power of his soul, which is an innate condition of two generations. Let him have more capital in this than those who have done bad things since ancient times, he feels he can survive before the people's feat.

However, with the passage of time, Ye Hao's soul in the body also began to experience some unbearable difficulties. This road is too difficult, beyond Ye Hao's imagination.

As the flesh melted and reassembled, his consciousness began to collapse a bit, which was very different from the process of melting the spirit that night, when he was deeply knocked down by the powerful spirit of Miyun Sword, his consciousness was dizzy, this is Worst result. Just laying in bed for a few months.

At present, it is a real death of the soul, which seems to be slow, but is actually heading towards a cold and exhausted desperate direction. The moment of the soul is the combination of Ye Hao's body and the spirit of the times.

"Are you going to die?" When he was dying, Ye Hao couldn't speak, his consciousness sighed in the dark.

This time, even the ancient mirror couldn't photograph, although the light that floated in the room didn't help much.

However, the straw that shattered the last ray of light of Ye Hao's soul did not appear. When Ye Hao's soul was about to be exhausted, the pain that even the soul could not bear suddenly began to ease, as if it had climbed to the top. Suddenly it started to drop.

Although Ye Hao can't move, his weak soul can still feel that in his body, the seven light arcs are bright, and the extreme pain is being relieved from the seven meridians close to the flesh and blood.

At this moment, Ye Hao was deeply grateful. On this road where endless geniuses and demons have been buried throughout the ages, he had inadvertently made more preparations than those who lost in the end, seven extremely bloody people, and did not know Unknowingly accelerated the speed of transformation. When he came to the door, he kicked in quickly and was not locked up alive.

Ye Hao believes that even with the power of the soul, if the extreme pain lasts for a period of time, the ending will be very different.

The purgatory torture gradually began to recede. Ye Hao's body was dripping with bright red blood, and the new bones were like white jade, warm and clear.

Whether it is bone or blood, there are very mysterious veins converging, like an invisible road flowing between blood and bones, it is no longer pure flesh and blood, quite mysterious!

At this time, his invisibility seems to have an inexplicable rhythm, that feeling, as if the flesh has become a part of the heaven and the earth, the rich aura floating in the eight barren mountains, instead of passing through his mouth, nose and pores Infused into his veins, he spontaneously mixes in some resonance with it.

Such a scene, if placed outside the spiritual realm of the island of Kyushu, would certainly be mistaken for innate life in meditation...

"Feels great."

After an unknown period of time, Ye Hao slowly opened his eyes, the red light of his body began to fall into his body, and there was a faint exclamation of joy on his face.

This time, not only did he change physically, even the blood, no longer just to enhance the power of the blood, but entered another state.

Now that his blood had returned to its original state, it wasn't as thick as it had been in the last phase, but it didn't affect the strength of his veins in the slightest.

In this process, the blood in the body returns to nature and becomes the illusory soul of heaven and earth. There is no blood circulation between the hands and feet. However, every movement spontaneously affects the aura between heaven and earth. Compared with the previous stage, there has been a substantial leap in physical strength and power.

In the words of the old spirit, he is now, his flesh and blood body has stepped into the realm of innate purebreds, and he has opened up a new path, which is extremely rare among people, almost none!

"The inner strength of life does not seem irrational."

In the evening, Ye Hao secretly sighed, saying that his cultivation ability is already very good. If he wants to do that, he will reach a higher level. However, after learning about the many mysteries of the practice, and the great opportunities of the Underground River, he eventually chose another way to increase his power.

He embarked on the magical birth path, and from then on, he spent almost all his energy on how to improve the divinity of the blood, and now the basic stage has been completed.

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