Chariot of Doom

Chapter 971

Filled with pride. He then followed Lu Wenhao towards the village chief, scanning the pores and the eyes of the others contemptuously. "What's the use of winning sympathy?" If you can't get enough of it, you'll use a token to offset it. Why force yourself to dress poorly! "

At this time, the potholes broke out, and if the boy in black had choked them before, the sick cat would be a naked insult.

These mean people, even if the heart does not know the enemy, the pores and others are willing to fight and wash everything away with blood.

"Haha, don't be dissatisfied, He Ying'er said something wrong, he couldn't come up with a panacea, everything is nonsense!" Hei Xiaozi sneered at this time, and there was no shortage of flatterers He Ying between words.

"Yes. Since we can't get rid of it, let's go back to the mountains and go with the wild animals!"

"Why pretend to be poor when you've got a lot of money?"

"Well, you'd better hand it over. It's not something you can have. It's up to His Highness to keep you safe."

When the man in black's voice fell, Lu Wenhao's other followers said every word equally so harshly that there was no room for ridicule.

Now, in this camp, Lu Wenhao and Ying, the refiner, have undoubtedly become the absolute core. Many followers always pursue these two people in various ways, because if they can get close to each other, the benefits are unimaginable.

"Lu Shaohou, the 2300-year-old Zhu Lingdan has always been our limit, do you really want to do such a desperate thing?" Under the ridicule of a group of people, Pore's eyes have turned red, but he still has something in his heart. As a last hope, he turned his eyes to the sons of God, the princes, and hoped that these princes would come out of their families. Don't be callous like those guys.

"Oh, it's not the young master's feelings, but what they said is right, this is a rule made by all of us, no one can break it!"

Lu Wenhao had a faint smile on his face, but every word he said was as white as the pores hoped for, and so on.

After a while, people in the barren village were walking around, surrounded by people around them. There were tens of thousands of people here temporarily escaping the attack and killing of night beasts. At this time, many people looked at the pores. The lines, the eyes are all the color of sympathy.

They are all experienced. Earlier, they were also squeezed by Lu Wenhao. Unfortunately, in the camp near Lu Shaohou, this well has become an existence where no one dares to challenge him. They Most of them can only admit their misfortune. At this time, seeing the difficulties of the hole and a row, I couldn't help feeling sad that the rabbit had died.

only. In the end, no one came forward to say more. Don't say that the other party is a competitor. Even if they had that heart, they are not capable of making a difference. In the eyes of many, Pore et al. are obediently handing over something that is not easy to kill. It's inevitable.

"Then, stop ink, or go away, or pay two thousand six hundred Zhu Lingdan, don't cover Shanzha's eyes at this time, He Ying is obviously a little bit impatient, and the words between them are getting more and more harsh."

"Fan Shuo, follow the rules. If they don't want to pay enough, tell them to leave!" Lu Wenhao's eyes also slowly turned cold, and he turned to the young man in black.

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