Chariot of Doom

Chapter 972

He needs absolute authority in this place, which cannot be challenged, and. Before he came, his father, Marquis Wu, had warned him that if he wanted to become a truly strong man, he must have enough elixir. Now he has used this opportunity to accumulate a lot of money, and of course he will not let others spoil the road.

"Yes!" Fan Shuo, a young man in black, nodded respectfully after hearing this, and then looked at Pore and the others. Clearly not good enough. For the first time in days, no one dared to work with them.

"Rules? I suppose bullshit rules are dogs that justify insatiable greed!"

At this time, Pore was in the line, and finally someone was oppressed beyond endurance, and a young man with a big waist stood out, red-eyed and insulting.

"They!" Fan Shuo, a young man in black, became stiff and angry, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Yinghe and Lu Wenhao's eyes were also cold because of that person's scolding, and the latter pointed coldly at the young man with a big waist and said: "If you say something you shouldn't say, you will have to pay the price, son , you don't have to go!"

When Mao Kong and others heard it, their hearts suddenly became cold. Things have come to such a point that beams have been formed, and the team has just stepped out of that person's voice. There is no chance to leave, and they want to die here.

All because he was oppressed and unwilling to tell the truth.

"Don't bear it, boss, fight! These wild dogs are bad and fierce. They would rather die here and fight well than give up their logo in humiliation!" At this time, another teenage child growled , full of hatred.


No extra nonsense, nodding with red pores, his face full of firm intentions.

He is not stupid, because he knows what his companions are worried about, and by doing so, even if they leave their former companions, they will revenge each other after leaving.

The fact that he has a mark on him has been revealed and he is innocent.

It's better to go down like a man than to fight to the end.

And behind the pores, seeing the former nodding angrily, I don't know why, a group of people breathed a sigh of relief, which can release the frenzy of anger, and at the same time, it is also a bit sad, the boss has already exported, and there is no way for them to come back.

Seeing this scene in an unremarkable village, many young and handsome bystanders had complicated eyes, some shook their heads and sighed, and some had pity in their eyes. Things have come to such a point, this group of people and horses, Most of the death coefficients here are here.

"Haha! Boy, I gotta say, you have guts!"

The pores made an absolute drinking sound, Lu Wenhao was obviously a little caught off guard, but after laughing in shock, facing the Lord who was waiting less, he also began to have some murderous plans.

"Kill! One of them made their role model at the entrance of the village." Lu Wenhao coldly, drinking out the sound, and then, a group of followers around, slowly to the pores and others to deceive the body.

Li Xiang and Chen Lin are one of them. At this time, their faces were indifferent. They used to do something similar when they first took over the wasteland. At that time, many people naively thought that they could compete with them. Many more were killed.

"Oh, it's very lively here."

But in the pores and others were desperately preparing to fight, suddenly, a faint laughter came, and then the village chief's grass slowly revealed a figure, as if it appeared out of nowhere.


"Why is that you?"

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