Chariot of Doom

Chapter 977

As a result, many bystanders sighed at the scene, and at the same time, it also shocked young people who had never heard of it and was full of fear.

Ye Hao on some primitive black stone fish had an idea, and after going through a behind-the-scenes scene, he secretly dispelled that stupid idea in his heart.

The effect of the black stone fish can be said to be terrifying, making countless evil young people salivate, but the teenager got this thing, how can it be brought for nothing, many people are very smart gifts, people are vague It is conjectured wildly that Ye Hao's power may be related to the legendary miracle of this world.

On the other hand, Ye Hao looked for Chen Lin indifferently.

"Don't kill me, please don't kill me!" Chen Lin was already pale with fright, Li Hua sobbed with the rain, Yi Guo begged pitifully, and kept backing away.

I have to say that this girl can be called a beautiful thing, and when she grows up, she is at least a woman of disaster water level, so pitiful appearance, so that very men will not be willing to kill her.


Unfortunately, this time she met a murderous god. Ye Hao's eyes were indifferent, and with a sharp point, they condensed into a spiritual stream, piercing the girl's head mercilessly.

Chen Lin Miaoman's body fell down weakly. The moment he landed, a green wooden card slipped out of his sleeve, and the lights gradually dimmed. He was obviously urging the green wooden card to leave, but failed.

Ye Hao didn't even look down. The woman was mean by nature, and he was an instigator that night. Her heart is as painful as a snake and a scorpion, and it's not worth his touch at all.

"Hush!" Around the barren village, many people breathed the cool air, the strength of youth deeply frightened and shocked them, and at the same time, the way these fiery hands destroyed the flowers also made many people's scalps numb.

"You want to kill me, you can do it!" At this moment, Ye Hao raised his head, looked at Lu Wenhao and his party not far away, and smiled coldly.

"Son, you are not so proud, don't think that the wings grow very hard, you can be proud in front of this young master!"

Lu Wenhao's face was ugly, the previous scene made him a little scared, but now Ye Hao shouted bluntly, if he didn't reveal himself, it might be difficult to subdue the followers in his hands in the future.

Moreover, if this kind of thing spreads to Duan Linxi, they will definitely become a laughing stock. After all, at this time, a boy who was only fifteen to six years old was angry on their faces. It would undoubtedly be a shame if he gave up.

"Arrogance? I said, you people, I wrote it down."

Ye Hao sneered, not caring about Master Xiaowai's threats at all, pointing at Lu Wenhao and Ying. "The time has come for reckoning, you and him," he said. "Nobody wants to run away today!"

After these words came out, the faces of the three people behind Ye Hao and Wei Hao were all moved.

At first, they realized that Ye Hao might have problems with underachievers, but they didn't expect the resentment to be so deep. They didn't think Ye Hao had the courage to enter the camp on the other side alone, he said he was going to settle down!

At this moment, the handsome young men who had settled down on this wasteland were startled one by one. The young man's tone is very proud, but they have to match that with the previous line. That guy might really have the strength to challenge Lu Wenhao and others.

"Unite, kill this shameless boy for me, and pull your muscles out!"

After a slight indifference, Lu Wenhao became furious and ordered a group of followers to kill Ye Hao.

He is a direct descendant of the king, his status is respected every day, and no one around him flatters him. If he had ever suffered such a provocation, his face was cold again now.

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