Chariot of Doom

Chapter 978 Text

kill! "

Under Lu Wenhao's drinking order, a large number of handsome men around him, although some were numb from the scalp, still gritted their teeth and killed them.

These people, under the black leader of the young Fan Shuo, there were two or three hundred people, and they saw the whole Bahuang Mountain. Now they are determined to become a force of size. While the boy's strength is formidable, many are fighting at the same time. They're not too timid and try to squeeze each other into a bunch.

"Seems like a lot of people would love to work on your two rodents!"

Seeing so many people yelling for the crowd to kill, Ye Hao's eyes were full of contempt, and he glanced at the eyes of Lu Wenhao and Heiying.

Suddenly, his face turned cold, and he waved to Wei Haosan: "Come back!"

"This" was stern and magnanimous, with a hesitant expression on his face, so a large group of people rushed up, didn't friends plan to ask them for help?

"Listen to brother Shen, let's back off."

Wei Hao patted Yan Kuan on the shoulder, his eyes were a bit complicated, and he had the name of a genius since he was a child, but he didn't know strong hands until he really got to this mountain range.

Especially the strength of Dan Riyue Dao Ning, Duan Lin Xi and this young man made Wei Hao feel his cheeks burn. Perhaps, like most handsome young men on this mountain range, he had lived his life. You can only be talented in your own small place, not qualified to go to the wider world, and those truly evil competitors.


At this moment, Ye Hao hummed coldly, and agility jumped out again between his two fingers, congealing into Jianhong.

"Magic Sword"

"Black Phoenix Claw"

"Dragon Tiger Fist"

"Evil wind thorn!"

In the direction of the barren village, hundreds of people headed by Fan Shuo showed their powerful military skills. For a while, they wanted to use a powerful combination to fight against Ye Hao and kill Ye Hao!


This Ye Hao was not at all moved by the horror of hundreds of people, his fingers were moved by the rape.

With the blood relationship after birth, Ye Hao's field of vision is undoubtedly broad enough to a quite deep level. He already knew that fights between monks were usually not a matter of how high or low, or how many people could solve the problem. A truly talented genius, all the way to be invincible in the same field, never afraid of fierce battles of the same generation!

Now he is still the same, his fingers have been cut off, the tips of his fingers are red, and the track of the past has become a dragon's thunder.


Turning around, Ye Hao stood around, lightning and thunder, like dark clouds on the eve of a storm, with purple awns, drowning everything around.

This kind of writing, fearing that the bystanders around are afraid of coming back, afraid of the torment of the disaster, many people are pale, it is hard to believe that this is the meaning of a bleeding monk.

Ah! "Ah!"..

Those young heroes who rushed to kill Ye Hao were enveloped by more power and sword rainbows at the beginning, and the numerous martial arts people filmed together were appalling at first, but after confronting them, they were all wiped out . Dozens of handsome young men in front were knocked down by the electric Mang and Jianhong in an instant, and died on the spot!

What a shocking scene, hundreds of people went to a younger teenager at the same time, dozens of people were killed when the clashes broke out.

"Come on, purple!"

Soon, Ye Hao started again. What was also shocking was that with the touch between fingers, Ye Hao's body was bright purple, and the shadow of a sword flowed between them, interweaving into a net.

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