Chapter 1006

  These words cleared Rong Qing of the suspicion of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and since Rong Qing is innocent, it is self-defeating that the Xuan family colluded with him.

   King Zhongshan heaved a long sigh of relief!

  The emperor's eyes were a little subtle.

  Sikong Shuo smiled softly, not expressing his opinion.

  King Xuan is worthy of being the most respected prince, with every gesture of his hand, he can reveal a proud nobility. There are rumors that the prince's morals and talents are not inferior to the prince's, and he has always been strict with himself, never allowing himself to indulge in sensuality or laziness. He is also very fair and fair in handling affairs. Like Guo Kuang, he is an upright person .

  The head of the Li clan handed over the right to speak to Nanjiang.

   It was still King Xuan who spoke in Nanjiang.

   King Xuan proposed to summon Ma Yuan.

   Ma Yuan was brought in, and seeing his acquaintances in the palace, Ma Yuan cleared his throat.

  King Xuan did not get angry and said arrogantly: "General Ma, you pretended to be Yuan Shu to confuse Princess Shan and sneak into our southern Xinjiang palace. This king will not care about you."

   "Cough~" Ma Yuan coughed.

King Xuan said sternly: "I don't care about Mr. Rong's matter with you. At any rate, he is your own son. There is nothing wrong with you taking him home. However, Princess Shan doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. You took her away from the palace privately." , everyone was furious, and please hand over Princess Shan."

   "Uh... this..." He didn't know where that little girl went!

  King Xuan frowned: "What? Are you unwilling to hand it over or can't? What did you do to Princess Shan?"

"I didn't do anything to her! It was Suhuo! Suhuo threatened me to assassinate Xuanyin. If I couldn't complete the task within two months, he would kill Princess Shan. Xuanyin is my son-in-law, I definitely can't Killed him, but I was afraid that something would happen to Princess Shan, so I brought Princess Shan with me." Ma Yuan explained.

   It was no secret that Suhuo belonged to the Queen of Southern Xinjiang. He went to assassinate Xuanyin, maybe he was ordered by the queen, everyone thought so, but it seemed too much for her to use Princess Shan's life to blackmail Ma Yuan, since Princess Shan is her granddaughter in name.

   Everyone looked at Queen Nanjiang together, expecting her to give a reasonable explanation.

  Unexpectedly, she just slightly hooked the corners of her lips, then picked up the teacup and drank tea, without any explanation at all!

   Everyone couldn't help guessing, did she bother to explain, or had nothing to do with this matter at all?

   "I mentioned Suhuo." The emperor suddenly said, "I remember that not long ago, a group of people from southern Xinjiang who assassinated Rong Qing mixed into Xiliang. I don't know if it was him."

  Among the three Xiliang people present, only Sikong Shuo knew about the real identity of the assassin, and Sikong Shuo acted as if he hadn't heard it.

King Xuan frowned even tighter: "Assassinate Rong Qing? Su Huo? This... is unlikely, right?" Turning to look at the queen who was about the same age as him, "Queen, did you send Su Huo to assassinate Rong Qing?" ?”

   "I don't have any." Nanjiang Empress said flatly.

  King Xuan said to the emperor: "Both Suhuo and Rongqing are subordinates of my mother's queen, and they get along very well on weekdays, and they won't kill each other." Was he really unaware of Suhuo and Rongqing's undercurrents? Just in front of outsiders, how can you expose your shortcomings and make people laugh? Besides, Suhuo has nothing to do with him, so why bother wading through the muddy water?

   Soon, no one cared about the existence of Suhuo, and no one asked about the whereabouts of the Southern Border assassins.

King Xuan straightened his expression: "Let's get down to business, don't digress. I know that Xiliang wants to go back to those three cities. We can give up these, but we have one condition, we must return our two princesses unscathed! "

  (end of this chapter)

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