Chapter 1007

  Princess Yan and Princess Shan.

  Huangfuyan is alright, she is right here, but Huangfushan—

  The emperor's knife-like eyes swept over Ma Yuan, wanting to cut off his scalp!

   Useless stuff! Huangfushan's life and death are your business? So what if you just let her be killed by Su Huo? And take it out of the palace! Rong Qing being disabled isn't enough for you to worry about? Get another small oil bottle! This is all right, the oil bottle is lost! Nanjiang blamed Xiliang!

  Ma Yuan bowed his head deeply. At that time, he only cared about catching up with his son's whereabouts. How could he expect such serious consequences? If I had known, even if he used force, he would still have to tie Huangfushan to his back!

  The first negotiation ended badly!

"It would be fine if Rong Lin surrendered to us. Now that Rong Lin has returned to the southern border, if we really want to go to war, the loss will not be small." The emperor frowned, so it is best to talk about peace, but **** Ma Yuan, bring Huang Fushan out Not optimistic!

  In another yurt, there were people sitting waiting for the result of the negotiation.

  It was also a large long oval table. Uncle Li Ao sat at the main seat, with Xuan Yu, Xuan Zhao, and Xuan Yin on the left, and Rong Lin, Huangfu Xin, and Geng Linger on the right.

  The atmosphere is very weird.

  The three brothers of the Xuan family, each of them smelled worse than the other, and at first glance, there was internal strife.

   While dealing with internal strife, Xuanyin also looked at Rong Lin coldly, daring to make Yueyue and Lanzhi sad, he should beat him up for this.

   "Marshal." Xuan Yin suddenly smiled, leaned back lazily on the back of the chair, raised his feet, and placed them on the table.

  This action surprised everyone, but it was supposed to make people feel rude, but when he did it, there was always a sense of mystery and elegance.

  Rong Lin raised his eyes and looked at him indifferently.

   Xuanyin hooked his lips: "Do you dare to go out with the master?"

  Geng Lin'er grabbed Rong Lin's arm: "Don't go." That good-looking man is very dangerous.

  Rong Lin stood up.

  The two left the yurt one after the other, and after a quarter of an hour, Rong Lin was carried back to the yurt, his own.

  Xuanyin blew his fist that was swollen like a steamed bun. That kid is worthy of being born with supernatural power, he really can handle it!

  Here, Xuanyin has finished teaching the little bastard, and over there, the peace talks are over.

  Xuan Yu and Xuan Zhao immediately walked towards King Zhongshan.

  Xuan Zhao: "Father, what's the matter?"

  Huangfuxin and Geng Linger also came to King Xuan's side.

  Huangfuxin: "Second Brother Huang, is the deal settled?"

  Xuanyin didn't care about these things. If he didn't want to teach Rong Lin a lesson, he wouldn't even bother to get up, so he turned around and left, but felt a strange gaze fell on him. Following his line of sight, he looked at the woman in the royal blue gorgeous palace dress. She didn't even look like a woman, she was very young, with an indescribable beauty. She exists in the world, but it's not like Xuan Yu who always has a fairy air.

  Xuan Yin's eyes narrowed.

  The man also looked at him, only took a look.

   That glance surprised Shi Shi.

   "Don't look into her eyes." Huangfuyan patted Xuan Yin's shoulder.

  Xuanyin came back to his senses, glanced at Huangfuyan, and when he looked at the other party again, the other party had already left with the palace servants.

   Xuan Yin frowned in confusion: "What do you mean by not looking into her eyes? She can inspirit?"

   "No." Huangfuyan shook her head, thinking of something, her eyes dimmed slightly, "She has a look that makes people unable to extricate themselves, which can make people crazy."

  Xuanyin touched the bridge of his nose, isn't it so serious? At most, it's thicker than ordinary people's eyes, crazy about her? Not so.

  (end of this chapter)

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