Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 1015: A friend in need (4)

  Chapter 1015 A friend in need is a friend (4)

  The waiting process is very long.

  The sky gradually darkened, as dark as ink.

Two quarters of an hour later, those poisonous snakes crawled out, many of them were covered with bruises, and some of them even had their tails broken. Swift. However, they didn't feel anything when standing on the ground.

  Sikong Shuo asked Xiao Lizi to put the treasures back into the cloth bag one by one, and said, "They are at least ten feet underground, at least."

  He emphasizes the last two words.

   One foot and ten meters, ten feet and one hundred meters, maybe deeper.

   Xuanyin's eyes flashed a trace of solemnity: "Let's find people from the Li nationality."

  King Xuan hurriedly said: "No! This is their holy place, if we let them know that we have stolen stalactites from the holy place..."

Xuanyin interrupted him coldly: "What is King Xuan afraid of? Afraid that they will get angry, or that his reputation will be damaged? If they dare to get angry, they will lose their temper! If you are afraid of losing your reputation, go back to your family." Go to the yurt! All the consequences will be borne by me alone!"

  King Xuan's face turned red from choking. He is the prince of Nanjiang after all, and now he is the eldest son. His status is only a little lower than that of the prince. How dare a small county king talk to him like this!

  He stared fixedly at Xuan Yin's face, the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became. It's just that at this juncture, he doesn't have time to think about a person's appearance.

  He gritted his teeth: "This king is just worried that the two sides will cause unhappiness, which will not be conducive to the rescue operation! Don't misinterpret this king's meaning, Prince Yinjun!"

   "Huh." Xuan Yin snorted coldly. The sons born are all such cowards, so the king of Nanjiang is not a good thing.

The emperor smoothed things over: "King Xuan's idea is good. After all, we are foreigners. It is best not to confront them head-on. However, the situation is pressing now. They know more about the Holy Land than we do. Ask them if they have other ideas." Channels or methods are more useful than us rushing here, what does King Xuan say?"

   "Huh." Xuan Yin also snorted.

The emperor said: "Human life is at stake. Living is better than anything else. Presumably the empress of your country doesn't want to disregard her daughter's life for a little fame." After all, Huangfu Xin provoked this matter. , in the name of treating her to a meal, who knew it was stealing? There is no one left for such a naughty princess.

  King Xuan quietly pondered for a moment, he didn't know what kind of struggle he had gone through, nodded and said: "Okay, but I have a condition, I can't push all the faults on us in Nanjiang."

  It means that Xiliang is required to share half of the crime of theft? But obviously before entering the cave, no one knew that he was going to steal something!

  The emperor frowned.

   King Zhongshan was not happy either. It was his daughter and daughter-in-law who were imprisoned inside. Why should they be charged with the crime?

  A complex meaning flashed in Xuanyin's eyes.

  Sikong Shuo lightly smiled and said: "King Xuan, you don't need to bear the slightest responsibility for the crimes in Southern Xinjiang, we in Xiliang will bear all the responsibilities."

   King Xuan's eyes lit up, but Xuanyin said in a tacit understanding: "Yes, we bear all the responsibility for the crime, but we only save our people."

   King Xuan's smile suddenly froze.

   Half an hour later, the emperor sent someone to invite Patriarch Li over, and his younger brother, Uncle Li Ao, came with him.

  The head of the Li clan is tall and unsmiling, and the uncle Li Ao is short and thin with bright eyes. It is hard to imagine that the two of them came out of the same mother's womb.

  Xuan Yin briefly stated the incident to the Li patriarch. He didn't say who was responsible, but only said that several people were stubborn. He couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he secretly bought a map and went there.

  (end of this chapter)

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