Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 1016: A friend in need (5)

  Chapter 1016 A friend in need is a friend (5)

  As expected by everyone, Patriarch Li was furious: "You bastard! You bastard! Which **** dares to sell the map of the Holy Land to foreigners? Get him out!"

  The emperor and King Xuan touched the bridge of their noses together, feeling ashamed.

  Uncle Li Ao persuaded from the side: "Brother, don't worry about this matter. Anyway, they are members of the clan. It doesn't matter if they are arrested today or tomorrow. The most important thing right now is the lives of the guests."

   "Hmph! You broke into my clan's holy land, and you still want to come out alive?" Lei Patriarch Lei glared at the crowd angrily, "I tell you, this is the punishment of the gods! Even the gods are angry with your sins!"

  Although the Li nationality is a small tribe, it is not enough to compete with any country, but this matter... After all, they were at fault first, and the emperor and King Xuan didn't say anything.

   Xuanyin looked at them with serious eyes, and touched the sword with his hand. If you can't be soft, he will come hard. If you can't rescue Yueyue, this old stubborn, you will go down to be buried with him!

Uncle Li Ao held his brother's arm, and said earnestly: "Brother, you should put the fire away first, those are just a few kids, ignorant, they just heard something good and just wanted to see it, presumably, I sold that to them The people on the map didn’t tell them the consequences of breaking into the Holy Land. Didn’t my Yadong and your Arthur both break into the Holy Land? The children are very curious, so it’s understandable.”

  The Li patriarch was half dead with anger.

Uncle Li Ao lowered his voice, and said earnestly: "The first princess and commander in southern Xinjiang, the princess of Yin County in Xiliang, and the next prime minister, none of them are easy to mess with. If they die here, both countries will be angry. On the contrary, if we save them, the two countries owe us favors!"

  Among the four countries, Xiliang and Nanjiang are the most powerful, and being owed favors by them is by no means a bad thing.

  The emperor nodded secretly, this brother is quite shrewd!

   Patriarch Li looked at his younger brother, then at the guests opposite, and frowned: "Well, for the sake of the gods, forgive them once!"

  Xuan Yin's hand that clenched the hilt of the sword slowly loosened.

  Uncle Li Ao's eyes swept over Xuanyin's hand without any trace, and said to everyone: "We will do our best to help you, but whether we can save people depends entirely on the will of the gods."

  Everyone nodded and said thank you.

  Uncle Li Ao looked at the stone mountain standing thousands of feet high, and sighed heavily: "Do you know the origin of the name of this holy place?"

   "Because of stalactites?" Xuanyin asked casually.

"Yes, not all." Uncle Li Ao helped his elder brother who was about to pass out of anger to sit down on the grass beside him, "The stalactites in the Holy Land are the spiritual spring of our Li people. People bring good luck. Every time we go hunting, our people will drink a drop of spiritual spring, and the whole hunting process will become heroic and invincible. We believe that this is the blessing of the gods.

  About a hundred years ago, the elders of the clan rescued a businessman who was seriously ill and his life was hanging by a thread. The elders cured him with stalactites. At that time, we didn't know it had a scientific name outside. The businessman told the elders that Lingquan is stalactite, which can be sold for a drop of gold in the market. The tribe is very poor, and we have no other source of income except hunting. The elders persuaded the patriarch to sell the stalactites to the other party.

The stalactites have indeed brought great wealth to the clan, and life has changed. We no longer need to go hungry or cold. We can buy rice grains that can be stored, sell beautiful and warm clothes, and sell Buying a woman from a foreign tribe... During those ten years, the tribe lived a very luxurious life. They no longer believed in the gods devoutly. They believed that money could bring everything. But gradually, the stalactites disappeared, and there was nothing to exchange for money. Misfortunes never come singly, another plague broke out in the clan, and more than half of the tens of thousands of people were killed or injured. The patriarch and elders realized that it was the gods who were angry, so they knelt by the dry spring pool and ended their own lives, begging the gods for forgiveness. The next day, stalactites flowed out of the stone wall again, but not as much as before, only a dozen drops a day. The new patriarch ascended the throne, adhering to the lessons of his predecessors, and ordered that the sale of stalactites be banned from then on. Now, only people in the clan who are seriously ill or who are about to participate in important priestly activities will take some stalactites. In order to better protect it, my elder brother ordered people to guard it since ten years ago. "

  (end of this chapter)

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