Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 1017: A friend in need (6)

  Chapter 1017 A friend in need is a friend (6)

   "Then you just said that it is not called the Holy Land entirely because of this." Xuanyin said suddenly.

  Uncle Li Ao smiled: "That's right, there are other reasons. I was too involved in what I said. If you don't remind me, I'm afraid I will forget what I wanted to say at the beginning."

  Everyone shook their heads. They were too absorbed in listening, and they didn't remember that the Holy Land had other reasons to ask. Fortunately, Xuanyin can maintain such a calm mind under such circumstances.

Uncle Li Ao glanced at the young man appreciatively, and continued: "Before the discovery of stalactites, this was the forbidden area of ​​our Li people. According to the legend passed down, there is an underground palace left over from the Xuanyuan Dynasty underground. Of course, there are elders who say It’s the imperial mausoleum, there are different theories. Of course, I don’t believe it myself. When I was a child, I heard my mother talk about the underground palace. I sneaked into the forbidden area with guards. I searched for three days and three nights, but found nothing. I’m sure, it’s just a rumor. "

   As he said this, the expressions of the Xiliang people and Nanjiang people present all changed.

  Because just now, Sikong Shuo's little snakes got into the ground, and the news they brought back was that those people sank at least a hundred meters to the ground. What is this if it's not an underground palace?

  Uncle Li Ao looked at the expressions of everyone, and laughed: "It's just a legend, you don't really believe that there is a palace below, do you?"

   "If so?" Xuan Yin's expression was very serious.

  Uncle Li Ao's smile froze: "Did you find something?" Without waiting for everyone to answer, he pinched Patriarch Li's shoulder, "Big brother! Big brother! They seem to have discovered the underground palace?"

   "Underground Palace? Impossible." The Li patriarch shook his head, his face full of disbelief, "For generations, I have sent people to search for it many times, but none of us can find it. A few is it possible?"

Xuanyin thought for a while and said: "Regardless of whether it is possible or impossible, look for it first. If there is really a palace underground, then there must be more than one entrance to the palace, and they may be scattered in this forest. Patriarch Li, can you send your The Warriors lend us some?"

   "You think..." The Li clan leader opened his mouth wide.

   "Find the entrance!"

   "Don't be kidding, we can find it, we have already found it."

   "You are familiar with the terrain, but you are not good at reconnaissance. With that little skill, it's not me who hit you, Patriarch Li, you can't even find a pair of underpants for our Xuan family's shadow guard!"

   "You..." Brat! I really don't give him face!

  Uncle Li Ao shook his head to his brother.

   Xuanyin looked at King Xuan lightly again: "Cooperation?"

   King Xuan nodded: "Cooperation."

   There is no other way but to cooperate.

  The emperor touched his chin, isn't he the commander? How come in the end, this kid is commanding the battle?

   Half an hour later, a mixed search and rescue team composed of three parties, a total of four teams, led by Xuan Yin, Xuan Yu, Xuan Zhao and Uncle Li Ao.

  Each team brought two small artillery vehicles, a can of strong acid, a piece of King Kong hammered into pieces, ropes, fire, hounds, herbs, dry food, water, signal flares...they set off firmly.


  In the dark and dull underground, Ning Yue slowly opened her sore and swollen eyes. Pain came from all over her body, and she took a weak breath. Afterwards, she swept her eyes and couldn't see her fingers.

   "Brother, where are you?"

   "Rong Lin, are you there?"


Ning Yue screamed, and suddenly realized that there was a person in her arms. She raised her hand and touched the other person's soft and small body. She quickly pinched the other person's wrist, and found that there was still a pulse, and she breathed a long sigh of relief. : "Sakura, Sakura, wake up."

  (end of this chapter)

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