Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 1026: Reconciliation Xuanyin is here (7)

  Chapter 1026 Reconciliation Xuanyin is here (7)

  Ning Yue opened her eyes suddenly, and the sharp cold light, like a big net intertwined with venom, enveloped her instantly.


   "What me?" Ning Yue looked at her coldly, "Did I warn you not to think of me again?"

  Geng Linger's temples twitched: "I didn't mean it! I... I'm really hungry! I want to eat... Woooo... Don't hit me!"

   "If you say you don't want to fight, then you won't fight? I told you to keep your own place. Did you listen to me?"

   After Ning Yue finished speaking unceremoniously, Geng Linger shivered!

  Ning Yue removed one of her arms expressionlessly, and she rolled on the floor in pain.

  Huangfu Xin's hand buried under the wide sleeve was pulled into a fist bit by bit.

  Ning Yue gave her a sideways glance: "Princess Xin, next time you want to get something, do it by yourself, don't provoke some prawns and crab generals, you won't lose your status!"

  Huangfu Xin's body trembled slightly.

  After resting for more than an hour, Ning Yue regained her strength, first pressed Geng Linger's dislocated arm back, then picked up Xuan Xiaoying and walked into the passageway.

   This time, every time she turned a corner, she made a mark on the wall. She finally didn't get lost again, and walked out of the passage after two quarters of an hour.

  The sight in front of me is a sight to behold.

  The palace is resplendent and magnificent, with pillars rising straight up, and countless fist-sized luminous pearls inlaid on the walls. The luminous pearls are surrounded by a circle of fine gemstones—sapphires, rubies, amethysts... radiant and charming.

   On the floor, there was a thick accumulation of dust, but it did not affect the magnificence of the entire hall.

  On the steps to the north, stands a domineering and magnificent golden throne. On the right hand side of the throne is a spear, and on the left hand side is a lifelike golden unicorn with a gold box in its mouth.

  Kirin, the emblem of the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

   "My God! There is a palace here!"

   Behind, Geng Linger suddenly screamed.

  Xuan Xiaoying covered her ears: "It's so noisy, and she said she won't come."

  Ning Yue pinched her face: "Some flies like to chase and stalk people, so you don't need to be familiar with them."

  Geng Ling'er choked, but didn't dare to offend Ning Yue anymore, so she turned her head and hugged Huangfu Xin's arm.

  Huangfu Xin brushed her hand away, walked back and forth in the hall with a calm face, raised his chin and said, "This is the underground palace of the Xuanyuan Dynasty."

  Geng Linger posted it again: "What is Xuanyuan Dynasty?"


   "The former dynasty? How did I hear that the former dynasty was the Zhao family?"

"The Zhao family is the former dynasty of our Southern Border, and the Xuanyuan Dynasty is the former dynasty of the Four Kingdoms. More than two thousand years ago, this continent was not as prosperous as it is today. Most people lived in tribes like the Li people, and the big tribes Known as a country, the king is the king. At that time, there were hundreds of small tribes and more than 20 kingdoms on the mainland. Between countries, tribes and tribes, wars were often waged for land and prey. Behind, there was The person surnamed Xuanyuan gathered ten tribes, defeated all the others, and unified the continent that had been separated for many years, which is the later Xuanyuan Dynasty."

   "Is the Xuanyuan Dynasty bigger than Nanjiang?" Geng Linger asked in a pigheaded manner.

"Of course." Huangfu Xin proudly raised his head and continued to show off his knowledge, "During the Xuanyuan Dynasty, Southern Border was not called Southern Border, but Nancheng; Xiliang was not called Xiliang, but Xizhou; In the north, Eastern Wu is called Dongjiang. The palace in our southern border is the old site left over from the Xuanyuan Dynasty, but it was all overthrown and rebuilt, and the only thing that has not undergone any changes is the bodhi tree."

  (end of this chapter)

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