Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 1027: Reconciliation Xuanyin is here (8)

  Chapter 1027 Reconciliation Xuanyin is here (8)

  Geng Ling'er smiled triumphantly: "Ah! That's why we in southern Xinjiang are the best! We were originally the capital of the Xuanyuan Dynasty!"

  Speaking as if Xiliang people are country bumpkins.

Ning Yue looked at the calm and calm Xuan Xiaoying, then at the arrogant Geng Linger and Huangfu Xin, she really didn't think there was anything noble about them, since she fell down until now, Xuan Xiaoying never shed a single tear. But he jumped up and down like a clown.

   "Has the Princess of the County heard about the Xuanyuan Dynasty?" Seeing that Ning Yue was so calm, Huangfu Xin was not happy. I showed off for a long time, as if showing off in vain.

   "So what if you've heard it? So what if you haven't heard it? Is it related to me?" She is not a descendant of the Xuanyuan family.

  Huangfuxin turned his face away, every time he fights with this girl, it's like shaking his fist in the air, very powerless!

  Geng Linger was attracted by the furnishings of the underground palace, and touched things here and there: "Oh my God, it's so beautiful! Cousin, look, the unicorns on the pillars are carved like real ones!"

  Ning Yue glanced around: "Don't touch!"

   "I didn't touch yours again..." Geng Ling'er touched Qilin's eyeballs and pressed lightly.


   Something is opened.

  Ning Yue's complexion changed, and she threw herself down with Xuan Xiaoying in her arms: "Get down—"

  Huangfuxin and Geng Linger quickly fell to the ground.

  A round of cold arrows flew past everyone's scalps and nailed to the wall behind the throne. They are all nailed tightly, and the arrow tail is still trembling slightly, which shows that the force is strong enough to pierce through a person's body.

  Ning Yue glared at Geng Linger bitterly: "Didn't I tell you not to touch it? Do you want everyone to be buried with you?!"

  Geng Linger lowered his head.

Huangfu Xin stood up in shock, brushed the messy hair at her temples, and said: "Cousin, you are too disobedient! Don't be so reckless next time!" She almost killed her, what is wrong with her, she would bring such a stupid Cousin came to steal stalactites?


  The box in Qilin's mouth opened.

  Huangfu Xin's eyes moved, and he rushed up the steps in one stride.

   "Cousin, what's in the box?" Geng Linger followed closely, glanced into the box, and frowned, "What? A bead."

  Huangfu Xin stretched out his hand, trying to take out the beads.

  Ning Yue patted the dust on Xuan Xiaoying's body, and said casually: "Don't bother, Your Highness, it's something that only the royal family can take out."

  Huangfu Xin's eyes sharpened: "This princess is the royal family!"

  Ning Yue smiled: "The Xuanyuan royal family."

  Huangfu Xin clenched her silver teeth and tried a few more times, but found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get the beads out.

  Geng Ling'er persuaded: "Forget it, cousin, it's just a very ordinary night pearl. I'll give you one later."

  Xuan Xiaoying stared blankly at the golden throne.

  Ning Yue looked at her and smiled slightly: "Does Sakura want to play with that?"

  Xuan Xiaoying shook her head: "No, I want to go home."

   "Okay." The underground palace has been found, and if you find the exit, you should be able to return to the ground.

  Ning Yue carried Xuan Xiaoying through the hall and entered a quiet and dark corridor.

  Huangfuxin looked at Ning Yue who was walking away, and at the beads that he couldn't get out, and stomped his feet unwillingly: "Let's go!"


  With Rong Qing on his back, Rong Lin wandered around in the tunnel.

   Halfway through the wandering, Rong Lin found a mark on the wall: "Rong Qing, look! Someone seems to have carved words on the wall."

  It was too dark, Rong Qing couldn't see it, so he touched it with his hand: "It's newly engraved, it's a number, it should be Yue'er! Is there any more in front?"

  (end of this chapter)

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