Chapter 805

  Ma Yuan mixed poisonous mushrooms with ordinary mushrooms, and the bandits who guarded the gate randomly rummaged through them. They saw that they were all mushrooms.

  A layer of cold sweat broke out on Ma Yuan's back. He quickly went to the kitchen, picked out the poisonous mushrooms, and made a big pot of stewed chicken with mushrooms. In order to cover up the smell of poisonous mushrooms, Ma Yuan frantically added seasonings. But suddenly, the young man with the scar came in.

  Ma Yuan's hand trembled, and the spoon with the seasoning fell into the pot.

  Following this movement, the young man looked into the pot, and then a trace of surprise gradually appeared in the man's eyes. If Ma Yuan understood correctly, the man recognized these as poisonous mushrooms.

  Ma Yuan clenched the dagger at his waist. Although the young man seemed harmless towards him, he had to sacrifice him in order to complete his escape plan.

  The moment Ma Yuan slowly pulled out the dagger, the young man also pulled out the dagger, turned around, and stabbed the cook behind him.

  The cook fell into a pool of blood, his eyes were wide open, and he didn't understand why the scholar he rescued knew his fate cruelly until he died.

   Ma Yuan's back was drenched with cold sweat. It turned out that Xiucai was still following the cook. Fortunately, he didn't make a move just now, otherwise the moment he stabbed Xiucai, the cook would yell twice, and he would have been exposed.

  Just, why did Xiucai help him? The cook is the savior of a scholar—

  Ma Yuan couldn't figure out why Xiucai would rather be ungrateful than save him: "Did you give me the golden sore medicine that night?"

  The man nodded: "Yes."

"Why? Why do you help me again and again? You...know me?" This doubt has been hidden in Ma Yuan's heart for a long time. The first time Xiucai saw him, he ran away as if frightened, saying that he didn't know him... too much Far-fetched. Seeing that the scholar didn't say anything, it should be acquiesced, Ma Yuan said again: "I heard the cook said that you are from Xiliang, what's your name? How do you know me?"

  The young man clenched his fists, and instead of answering Ma Yuan's words, he said, "Let's deal with his body first, someone will come over soon."

  Ma Yuan felt that the scholar seemed to be deliberately concealing his identity, but it was his freedom to be frank.

   After finishing all this, Ma Yuan wiped off his sweat: "I...I'm going to cook now, you can eat white rice, and it's best not to eat anything else."

   "Understood." The man responded and turned to leave.

  Ma Yuan returned to the kitchen.

   When dinner was approaching, the weather was not good, and there was a heavy rain.

  A bandit went to the back mountain to urinate, and as he urinated, one finger was gradually exposed where the urine poured, and then two, three...

   "Hand...Hand! Ah! Dead man—"

  The cook's body was found.

  Brothers in the cottage naturally wouldn’t do this kind of thing. There were only a few outsiders, so Ma Yuan suddenly became the target of everyone’s suspicion!

  When the man ran into the woodshed, Ma Yuan was feeding Rong Qing millet porridge. Rong Qing was sick and had difficulty swallowing, and Ma Yuan's eyes were full of distress. Seeing this scene, envy and jealousy flashed across the eyes of the man, as if he hoped that Ma Yuan would treat him the same way. Ma Yuan looked at him, and he immediately suppressed the strangeness in his eyes, and said, "They found the body, come down the mountain with me!"

  Huangfushan frowned, and asked Ma Yuan, "Who is he?"

   "He is...from Xiliang, he was abducted up the mountain by bandits." It kind of explained the reason why the man helped them.

   Ma Yuan quickly tied Rong Qing on his back. His injuries were not healed, but in order to tie Rong Qing tightly, he strangled the wound to bleed out.

  The corners of the man's eyes twitched, and he glanced at Rong Qing from the corner of his eye, full of hatred!

   Ma Yuan carried Rong Qing on his back, Huang Fushan led the little boy, followed behind the man, escaped from the village by a small road, and fled down the mountain.

  As long as you go down the mountain, you can reach Linzi City after turning over two more hills.

  The bandits dare not go there, then they will be safe.

  However, the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny. How fast can a wounded man carry a patient on his back, and a woman lead a child? The bandits gradually caught up!

  The young man said to Ma Yuan: "Let me carry him! I am stronger than you!"

  Ma Yuan is indeed very tired. Because of the injury, his internal energy has been exhausted, but he is worried about handing his son over to a stranger like this, even if this stranger has helped him before. He tightened the rope around his chest and gritted his teeth: "It's okay, I can walk."

   "Quick! Over there! Brothers, search for me!"

  The bandits are getting closer, but their physical strength has been severely overdrawn, especially Ma Yuan and the little boy.

  The man's eyes froze and he said: "I'll lure them away! Go straight, there is an old locust tree at the foot of the mountain, meet there!"

   After finishing speaking, the man picked up two wooden sticks and ran towards the bandits.

   Ma Yuan waited at the old locust tree for two full hours before the man covered in bruises came. Seeing the man being injured for them, Ma Yuan felt guilty.

  The man said: "Don't rest, they are still searching the mountains, let's go all night!"

   "Still going?" Huangfushan said, patting the young boy's immature shoulder, "Can you still walk?"

  The little boy nodded with a pale face.

  But everyone can see that he can't walk anymore.

  Huang Fushan knows martial arts, so she won't be too tired, but if she is asked to carry heavy weights, she won't last long.

  The man suggested: "I will carry your son, you carry this little guy! I know you are worried, but if you walk too slowly, all of us will be arrested, and your son will also die!"

   After struggling in his heart, Ma Yuan tied Rong Qing to the man's body.

  Rong Qing was drowsy, but instinctively overflowed his mouth: "No."

  Ma Yuan didn't hear clearly, and asked, "Qing'er, what did you say?"

  Rong Qing fell into a coma again.

  The man opened the way ahead with Rong Qing on his back, Ma Yuan followed up with the little boy on his back, and Huang Fushan cut off from behind.

   A group of people groped in the night, getting closer and closer to Linzi City. When they climbed over the top of the last mountain, Ma Yuan saw the lights of Wanjia in Linzi. A feeling of excitement welled up in his heart, and he finally wanted to return to Xiliang! Finally going home! Finally, I am going to reunite my son with his wife and daughter!

   Just when he was so excited, the man walking in front of him suddenly slipped and fell down the hillside!

   "Qing Er—"

   Ma Yuan flew towards him, but he didn't catch anything...

  (end of this chapter)

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