Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 806: Gu poison attack master is here (1)

  Chapter 806 Gu Poison Outbreak The Commander Comes (1)

  In the camp of the Xuan family, the King of Zhongshan, his sons, and his subordinates were discussing the recent major events. The first thing to bear the brunt was the whereabouts of Xuan Yu, followed by the battle between Southern Xinjiang and Xiliang.

  Xuan Yu has completely lost contact with the outside world since he was trapped in the formation. Two months later, there is still no news.

   King Zhongshan stepped up his search, but what he didn't know was that he searched in the wrong direction. He once had high hopes for this son, but his son's recent performance did not satisfy him very much. First, he went to the Dongyu Mountain Range without saying a word, and was ambushed by the southern Xinjiang army; then he walked into Rong Qing's formation inexplicably, and has been besieged to this day. In order to rescue him, the second son almost died, and he is still recuperating in Youzhou. I believe that he is not the only one who has this kind of thinking, and many of his subordinates who once swore to be loyal to him showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

  However, the youngest son seems to be out of shape today. He has kept his face sullen and hasn't said a word since the whole council went on.

   King Zhongshan clicked on the desktop: "Xuanyin, what do you think of the battle in southern Xinjiang?"

"It's hard to say about the battle in southern Xinjiang. On our side, the eldest brother is gone, and on their side, Huangfuyan is gone. They are all in doubt. However, according to the information I have investigated, their situation is more serious than ours. Rong Qing is not here. The palace is gone, so I think they will not act rashly for a while."

  Xuan Yin's reaction is extremely fast, so fast that you can see him distracted, but he can regain his mind in such a short period of time, as if he was doing two things at once.

   King Zhongshan was so annoyed by his youngest son that he lost his temper and stared at him, but anyway, the youngest son provided very valuable information. He asked: "Are you sure Rong Qing is not in the palace anymore?"

"Yes." He sent someone to Linzi to look for Ma Yuan, but when he couldn't find Ma Yuan, he went directly to the Southern Xinjiang Palace, intending to stop the two of them and bring them back to Xiliang before Ma Yuan assassinated Rong Qing, but they said He replied that there was neither Ma Yuan nor Rong Qing in the palace, and even Huang Fushan disappeared with the world. This is really a very strange thing! He even began to wonder if the three of them left the palace together. But this kind of speculation is absurd. After all, Ma Yuan, Huang Fushan, and Rong Qing are all irrelevant characters. How could they be mixed together, and for what reason?

King Zhongshan didn't know about Ma Yuan and Huang Fushan's affairs, but he was still surprised when he heard that Rong Qing left the palace. According to the information obtained by the scouts, Rong Qing was the most important staff member of the Empress of Nanjiang. Helping herself well, the queen even made an exception and gave Rong Qing a bedroom. This is unique and rare in the history of dynasties in the entire continent. Such an important person suddenly left the palace, could it be... Is there any conflict among them? If that's the case, then it's even better! As far as he knew, the commander-in-chief had never been loyal to the Southern Xinjiang royal family, but Rong Qing. If Rong Qing left, it meant that the commander-in-chief would not help Southern Xinjiang fight the war.

  While the father and son were figuring out the current situation, a soldier came in through the curtain and reported: "My lord, someone outside has brought a letter to the fourth son."

  Zhongshan Wang hummed.

  Xuan Yin stared intently and said, "Bring it."

   "Yes!" The soldier submitted the letter.

  Everyone thought it was a military newspaper, and stretched their necks one after another, wondering what news was coming from ahead.

  Xuan Yin unfolded it and immediately kneaded it into a ball!

  Everyone was shocked, oops, is it bad news? Look at the fourth young master's face is turning green with anger, no, it seems to be slowly turning red. A burst of green and a burst of red... Oh my god! Could it be that some general died on the front line again?

  (end of this chapter)

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