Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 807: Gu poison attack master is here (2)

  Chapter 807 Gu Poison Outbreak The Commander Comes (2)

  Zhongshan King glanced at his son: "What's the matter?"

  The corners of Xuanyin's eyes were trembling, he took a deep breath, and said slowly, "It's nothing."

  Nothing, why is your face green and red?

   King Zhongshan frowned slightly, and continued to discuss matters with everyone. Halfway through the discussion, the soldier came again and delivered a letter to Xuanyin.

   This time, the eyes of everyone were a little subtle.

   Xuanyin read the letter with a dark face, and almost ran away.

   King Zhongshan asked deeply: "What happened?"

   "Nothing." Xuanyin squeezed out two words between his teeth, looked at the soldier with cold eyes and said, "No more letters! Do you hear me?"

  The soldier looked at the lord, then at Xuanyin, answered "Yes" tremblingly, and prepared to retreat.

   King Zhongshan stopped him: "Who delivered the letter?"

  The soldier said: "Prince Princess."

   Presumably it was a family matter, King Zhongshan relaxed a bit, and said to Xuanyin: "Since Yueer is looking for you, you can go and see her, there is nothing important here."

  Everyone looked at Xuan Yin, with a look of going quickly and not letting the princess wait for a long time, Xuan Yin stood up coldly and went.

  Ning Yue gradually fell in love with eating melon seeds. In her previous life, she always felt that eating melon seeds was not elegant, and she didn't dare to show the slightest flaw in front of Sikong Shuo. Over time, she became a habit and gradually forgot that there are such things as melon seeds in the world. This time Xuan Yin was angry with her, and she said she was not angry, but judging from her behavior of constantly eating melon seeds, she was actually quite anxious.

  Xiaolou is Ning Yue's coachman, he is not as favored as Dongmei and Geng Zhongzhi, but now Geng Zhongzhi is busy with the affairs of the medicine shop, so he should take over the seat of his confidant. Seeing my uncle approaching from a distance, Xiaolou quickly patted the carriage board: "Miss, my uncle is here!"

   "Ahem! So fast!"

  Ning Yue gasped, sucked a melon seed shell into it, and it got stuck in her throat, unable to get down or get up.

   "Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough..."

   She choked to death.

   While choking, he swept the uneaten melon seeds and the melon seed shells on the table into the trash can.

  The curtain was lifted, and Xuan Yin's handsome face full of anger came in.

   Ning Yue was sitting on the couch, staring straight at Xuanyin, and with a light hook of her little foot, she hooked the trash can under the couch.

   Xuanyin looked at her coldly.

  Looking at each other, time seemed to stand still.

  Suddenly, Ning Yue burped.

   Xuanyin's mouth twitched, and he said sarcastically, "Eat, why don't you continue to eat?"

   The corners of Ning Yue's mouth twitched, waiting for one day to turn over, turn them out one by one, and settle accounts after autumn!

Ning Yue laughed dryly, touched her rouge-smeared face and said, "I didn't want to disturb you, but recently the Gu worms have become more and more disobedient, and the peace talisman can't be suppressed anymore. The medicine given by Mr. Sikong It's over again, and I'm afraid that I'll lose my mind for a while and do something I'm sorry for you, so I came to you."

  What she said was wronged and innocent.

  However, what she didn't even know was how alluring she looked when she burst into flames. A look or a smile could take people's souls away. It couldn't be disguised with a little rouge.

   Xuanyin looked at her indifferently: "Ma Ningyue, I don't have time! If you really can't help it, I can give you a jade power if you can't."

  Can't help it? Jade potential?

Ning Yue's smile froze. In fact, strictly speaking, Yushi is not a bad thing. Some enlightened husbands, who are away all year round, will prepare some for their wives, or couples who want to enhance the fun, will also Get a few in different sizes. Of course, the most used place is the imperial palace. How did those eunuchs comfort the lonely concubine? All on it.

  (end of this chapter)

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