Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 811: Gu poison attack master is here (6)

  Chapter 811 Gu Poison Outbreak The Commander Comes (6)

   King Zhongshan didn't see who the woman wrapped like a rice dumpling was, but Xuan Yin recognized it at a glance. Xuanyin walked over with a dark face: "Brother!"

   Xuan Yu saw him, and tightened his fingers: "She fainted suddenly."

  A trace of surprise flashed in Xuan Yin's eyes, and he took Ning Yue from Xuan Yu's arms. When the thin body that seemed weightless fell into the crook of his arms, Xuan Yin's heart seemed to be pulled by something.

  Through the thick cloak and clothes, he could still feel her body temperature dropping sharply.

   "Why is this happening?" he asked anxiously.

   Xuan Yu said: "I don't know, just now I saw her complexion was very bad, after sitting for a while, she suddenly fainted."

  Xuanyin carried Ning Yue back to Liujinyuan.

   Xuan Yu's footsteps shifted, but he finally failed to follow.

  Dongmei saw her master go out vertically and come back horizontally, her face turned pale with fright!

   Xuan Yin glared at her: "What are you doing in a daze? Light up the stove! Boil some hot water!"

  Dongmei hurried to the small kitchen, ordered them to boil water, and then went to the storeroom to get red bamboo charcoal, lit it and put it in the room.

Ning Yue's body was getting colder and colder, her face was bloodless, her lips were as white as frost, Xuan Yin took the quilt and wrapped her tightly into her arms, but it didn't work, her body temperature was still a little bit down.

  Dongmei added pots of charcoal fire after pot, the room was as hot as summer, Xuan Yin's outer clothes were soaked with sweat, Ning Yue was still shivering from the cold.

  Xuan Yin hugged her tightly, and his voice trembled: "Why did this happen? She was fine just now... What did she eat when she came back?"

  Dongmei recounted the previous incident with snot and tears: "...Miss Gu poisoned, soaked in ice water for a while..."

  You only soak in ice water, how could you make people like this? Xuan Yin glanced coldly and saw the medicine bottle on the bedside table. He picked it up and shook it, and it was empty!

   "Ma Ningyue, are you crazy? That's 30 doses! If you eat it in one sitting, you're going to die!"

  Xuanyin carried Ning Yue together and walked out the door: "Take the stove!"


  The two came to Bishui Hutong in a warm carriage, Xuan Yin kicked open the courtyard door: "Your surname Zhou, get out!"

  Miraculous doctor Zhou was rolling skewers in the corridor, when he heard the loud sound of breaking the door and roaring, his hands shook in shock, dropped the skewers on the ground, and smacked his lips in dissatisfaction: "What are you shouting about? My meat..."

  He raised his head while talking, and just as soon as he saw Xuan Yin holding someone, he came over with a murderous look, different from the coldness in the past, this time, he was sure that Xuan Yin had murderous intentions towards him.

  He stood up slowly.

Xuanyin knocked him away, walked into the room, kicked off his shoes, sat cross-legged on the bed, hugged Ning Yue in his arms, and said to Divine Doctor Zhou: "Show her! I beg you, or if I kill you, you Choose yourself!"

   Doctor Zhou understood that Xuan Yin was here for real. He didn't move him before because he had time to spend with him, and Rong Qing was better than him in medicine. Rong Qing was the best choice. Now this little girl seems to be on the verge of death, Xuan Yin can't wait for Rong Qing, and can't afford to bother him.

   But he really...

   Xuanyin's eyes burst out with fierce beast-like violence: "My surname Zhou, if she dies, I will chop your daughter into meat sauce and feed you a little bit!"

   As soon as the words fell, Qingqing ran in bouncing around: "Daddy—"

As soon as Master Zhou's eyes lit up, he was about to hug his daughter. Xuanyin sucked Qingqing onto the bed with his big palm. He clasped Qingqing's neck with his big palm and said cruelly: "I'll count to three. Break her neck! One, two..."

  (end of this chapter)

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