Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 812: Gu poison attack master is here (7)

  Chapter 812 Gu Poison Outbreak The Commander Comes (7)

   "Woooo...cough stinky is good or bad...cough cough...Daddy save me..." Qingqing cried with difficulty.

   Xuan Yu followed into the room, seeing this scene, abnormally, he didn't stop Xuan Yin like he did the first time, but just watched quietly, as if he was waiting for Doctor Zhou to make a choice.

   Divine doctor Zhou sighed: "Forget it, I'll just treat her, but I can't guarantee whether it will be cured or not."

  Xuan Yin let go of Qing Qing, Qing Qing cried and hid behind Xuan Yu.

  When Miracle Doctor Zhou picked up Ning Yue's wrist, a thin layer of frost had formed on it, Miracle Doctor Zhou frowned: "Has she taken medicine to suppress Gu poison?"

   "Take one bottle, 30 doses. The medicine was expired..." Xuan Yin's voice gradually lowered, he would rather take so much expired medicine than come to him, does she really hate him so much?

Doctor Zhou took the pulse and sighed a long time: "It's not good, it's not good! Although the medicine has expired, its effect has decreased sharply, taking three or five pills is enough. She took almost ten times the dose, I'll get her some emetic medicine first, and see if I can slow it down for a while! However, don't have too much hope, slowing down for a while doesn't mean recovering from illness, but just temporarily letting her out of danger. If it's just poison, I'll There is still 60% certainty, but her current situation..."

  He paused, "Hurry up and find Rong Qing, I can only protect her life for ten days."


   After taking the emetic, Ning Yue vomited something, and soon fell into a coma.

  Xuan Yu called Xuan Yin to the yard, looked at him with difficulty concealing reproach, and said, "How did you take care of her? She has a poisoning attack, and as a husband, don't you know?"

Xuan Yin was furious: "What qualifications do you have to accuse me? Anyone in the world can scold me, but you can't! Who sent her to me as a medicine tripod? Who lied to me, saying that as long as Hehuan can detoxify What? I just detoxified it! She was poisoned! You have been plotting against her from beginning to end!"

   "I did this for you..."

   "For me, what is it if you come here to complain for her now?"

   Xuanyin finished speaking in a cold voice, and resolutely went back to the room, kicked over the stool, sat on the head of the bed, pressed his head, trembling with anger. It is unclear whether it is Xuan Yu or himself who is angry.


  On the bed, there was a faint call suddenly.

   Xuanyin sniffed, and looked at her with red eyes: "Are you awake?"

  Ning Yue paled, smiled weakly, raised her weak hand with difficulty, and touched his face: "Am I dying?"

   Xuan Yin's tears rolled in his eyes. This kind of worthless thing was abandoned by him when he was sure that Lan Zhen would not be able to come back. Now, he came out uncontrollably. He held Ning Yue's cold hand, put it on his lips, and said with restraint: "You won't die, you won't..."

  Ning Yue smiled slightly: "Although I think you are hateful, if I am really dying, I don't want to spend the last ten days hating you."

   After all, compared to Sikong Shuo's harm to me, compared to Xuan Yu's schemes against me, what is it that you get angry at me for a few days?

  My request is really low, isn't it, Xuanyin?

  Ning Yue wet her eyes, turned her face away and said, "I'll be angry for another day, tomorrow, tomorrow I won't be angry anymore. You go out, I don't want to see you until tomorrow."


   "Just one day." She said weakly and obediently, "I promise, it's really only one day."

  The previous life was spent in pain. In this life, let’s leave happily. It’s really a pity that I couldn’t give birth to you.

  (end of this chapter)

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