Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 813: Gu poison attack master is here (8)

  Chapter 813 Gu Poison Outbreak The Commander Comes (8)


  Out of the room, Xuanyin rode his horse to the barracks and gathered all the shadow guards: "Find Rong Qing, or die!"


By the side of the gurgling stream, Rong Qing's face was pressed against the rough sand, and he slowly regained consciousness. He opened his eyes and found himself lying on a sandy beach, turned over with force, and saw a sharp sword approaching He stared at his eyebrows.

  His gaze moved up slowly, and he saw the scarred man who was running away behind his back.

  The man's eyes were full of jealousy and disgust: "Are you awake? My good brother."

   His eyes, which were exposed to direct sunlight, could not open slightly, but Rong Qing still looked at him like that.

"Why don't you talk? You don't know me anymore?" The man touched the scar on his face and smiled ferociously, "Thanks to your sister, I was sunk into the moat just like you. Fortunately, you didn't die. I didn't die either. Unfortunately, your legs are crippled, and my face is disfigured. We are really brothers, and our luck is surprisingly similar! No, I'm not ashamed, how can the luck of a **** like me be better than It's your **** luck? You adopted a God of War as your son, and with your son, you became an aide to the Queen of Southern Xinjiang. Brother, why are you always so lucky? You are so lucky that people want to kill you!"

  Rong Qing looked at him steadily.

  Ma Jinyan was agitated by his calm appearance, and kicked him hard in the stomach!

  Rong Qing turned pale from the pain.

  Ma Jinyan felt a strong sense of satisfaction and pleasure as if he had taken a drug: "This is so plausible! I just said that we are also from the General's Mansion, why do you always have a better life than me?"

  Rong Qing looked at him coldly.

   Ma Jingyan hates these staring eyes, as if he is just a clown jumping up and down: "When death is imminent, you still pretend to be noble! Okay, I will let you pretend! Let you pretend!"

  He kicked Rong Qing one after another.

  Rong Qing clenched his teeth, not letting himself cry out in pain.

Tired of kicking, Ma Jinyan sat down on the ground: "That's right, I fell down the hill on purpose. My father wants to take you back to recognize your ancestors. I can't let you do that. I want you to never go back! Ten I didn't kill you a year ago, this time, guess, will I be so careless?"

Glancing at Rong Qing, "Then why are you staring at me? Ah, I remembered, my father said that you have amnesia, and you don't remember anything before the age of thirteen. So, you don't know my name, and you don't know my name." I don’t know your own name and your father’s name! Ha! That’s great! In this way, you probably won’t be able to return to your ancestors when you arrive in the underworld! Even your death is so unclear, Rong Qing, you really Very poor!"

"Do you know how I recognized you? Look for your portrait so that every yamen knows about it. The bandits robbed a few officials and got the official document. I realized that my elder brother who 'dead for many years' It turns out that you are still alive in this world, and you have become such a great person next to the queen. The first night you arrived at the cottage, I originally planned to report you, but my heart softened. It’s not that you are soft-hearted, don’t be sentimental! I just I can't bear to let my father be arrested! You see, I am a more filial son than you, he should value me and pass everything on to me, not you, a self-righteous waste!"

"When you're dead, I'll do some work, return home, and kill that sick little sister of yours! Put the whole..." At this point, Ma Jinyan suddenly stopped, and smiled, "Look at my mouth, I almost said Missed! Continue. I will kill your sister and turn the whole family into my pocket. As for your mother, because she is my aunt, she will be sent to the nunnery to live in the nunnery, and it will be considered complete for me and her The love between them!"

  (end of this chapter)

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