Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 814: Gu poison attack master is here (9)

  Chapter 814 Gu Poison Outbreak The Commander Comes (9)

  Rong Qing looked at him with torch-like eyes.

   I have to say that even if this big brother ended up like this, his demeanor still made him feel terrified. But so what if you are timid? He will still do it when he should do it!

   Ma Jinyan raised his sword high: "Brother, I will end your pain as soon as possible." As he said, he stabbed at Rong Qing's heart.

At this moment, an overwhelming rain of swords galloped from the southeast, like a large intertwined net, enveloping Ma Jinyan tightly, but Rong Qing avoided being attacked because he was lying on the ground range.

   Ma Jinyan didn't have time to assassinate Rong Qing, so he quickly swung his sword and chopped off those arrows.

   Soon, a group of killers in black robes rushed out of the woods, each with a blood moon totem printed on their foreheads.

  Ma Jinyan doesn't know these guys, but the other party is obviously here for Rong Qing, trying to **** Rong Qing from him? There are no doors!

  The two sides soon fell into a melee.

   Just as the two sides were fighting to the death, one of the black-robed killers quietly approached Rong Qing, apparently intending to kill Rong Qing.

   This scene fell into Ma Jinyan's eyes. Ma Jinyan was taken aback for a long time. These people didn't come to save Rong Qing, but to kill Rong Qing? Then fight them yourself?

   "Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding! I have a grudge against this man! Since you want to kill him, just kill him!"

  The black-robed killers exchanged glances with each other, and once again attacked Ma Jingyan!

   Ma Jinyan really wanted to scold his mother, did these guys not believe his words, or did they want to silence him?

  The black-robed killer slowly walked up to Rong Qing, raised his sword high and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Rong."

  The killer's sword pierced Rong Qing's heart. Unlike ordinary people, Rong Qing's heart grew on the right side, but Rong Qing's body was too weak, and he would bleed to death wherever he stabbed.

   Just when the tip was an inch away from Rong Qing, a purple figure descended from the sky and kicked the killer away!

  Everyone was stunned, and looked at the purple-clothed boy who was as swift and dazzling as thunder. The young man's face is exquisite, his eyes are sharp, his skin is light wheat color, which makes him look handsome and resolute, he is taller and stronger than his peers, his whole body is full of masculine strength, like an abnormal head The young army, given time, will grow into the king of the army.

The young man threw the sword to the ground, and walked towards them with bare hands, with boundless anger rising in his eyes, and arrogance that overshadowed everything: "Rong Qing doesn't like blood. Do you jump into the river and drown yourself, or should I drown you?" Beat them one by one?"

  This boy is only in his early seventeenth year, but the coercion on his body is more terrifying than that of the emperor. The killers all took a step back.

"It seems that you guys are not willing to give in obediently. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Drowning is actually much more comfortable." The purple-clothed boy said, and he punched a black-robed killer's spine, the killer's bone. In an instant, he was shattered by the inner strength, and his whole body was twisted and deformed in pain. This kind of pain will last for an entire hour, and then he will slowly die.

  The killers were scared, so they ran away!

  The young man sneered, like catching a shrimp, punched one by one, but in the blink of an eye, he knocked down all the dozen top blood guards without a drop of blood.

  Finally, the boy looked at Ma Jingyan. Ma Jinyan was injured in the fight, and his body smelled very strong of blood. After the boy punched him, he kicked him into the water again!

  Ma Jingyan could hear the sound of bones cracking, and the pain made him feel that life was worse than death.

The young man looked at the group of killers who were tortured to death by the pain, and tapped one of them on the shoulder, which stopped his pain and allowed him to live for six hours: "When your master comes, remember to tell him that this I, Rong Lin, will remember the account! See you someday, it will be his death day!"

After finishing speaking, the young man turned around, hugged Rong Qing into his arms, put his forehead against his, and said, "Rong Qing, Rong Qing, I finally found you. I was scared to death. Why did you suddenly disappear? Don't you want me?" Me?"

  At this moment, how could he be like the decisive Shura just now? It was an abandoned child who was so wronged that he was about to cry.

  Rong Qing said softly: "Rong Lin."

   "Well, I'm here. I'll take you home, back to our home." The boy picked up Rong Qing sideways, and walked towards Nanjiang.

  (end of this chapter)

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