Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 827: Brother and sister meet and escape (4)

  Chapter 827 Brother and sister meet and escape (4)

  Sikong Shuo smiled softly: "Young Prince Yin has to think it over. What I want this time is not as simple as a peace talisman or a woman."

   Xuanyin said without hesitation: "I can give you everything except her."

"Cheerful." Sikong Shuo played with the little guinea pig in his arms, "But I'm ugly, I'm only responsible for giving you what you need, but not for curing her. It's possible that she will die so badly. death; it is also possible that she will come back to life, but in her current condition, she cannot live for an hour. Do you think it is worthwhile to exchange everything you have for an hour?"

   At this hour, maybe Rong Qing will arrive. He has to gamble, doesn't he? Gambling Yueyue's life is not so bad!

  Even if he loses the bet, it doesn't matter, anyway, without her, it doesn't make any sense for him to ask for so many possessions.

   Xuan Yin's eyes flickered: "Whether it's worth it or not is not up to you, what do you want from me?"

   "I haven't thought of it yet, I'll tell you when I think of it."

"it is good."

  Sikong Shuo threw a shiny black object out of the stepper, Xuanyin caught it with his backhand and took a closer look. It was a rhombus-shaped object that looked like stone and iron: "What is this?"

"The Thunder Stone can absorb part of the lightning and reduce the damage to the body. The ancestor of the Divine Doctor Valley is the old man who was hit by the lightning. He was carrying the Thunder Stone in his arms at that time. I am right, Doctor Zhou?" Sikong Shuo's gaze fell faintly on the face of Divine Doctor Zhou.

   Divine doctor Zhou suddenly felt a chill, and gathered the poisonous snake entrenched above his head, and spat out the snake core at him. Although he had never met Zhong Changshi, his intuition told him that besides Sikong Shuo, he might not be able to find anyone with such a strong aura. He said timidly: "Master Zhong Changshi is right, that old man is the patriarch."

   It’s just that Lei Shi was gifted to the southern Xinjiang royal family by the patriarch that day, how could it be in the hands of a Xiliang official?

  He glanced at Bu Xun, but he didn't even have the guts to ask this question.

   "Prince Yinjun remembers his promise." Sikong Shuo gently hooked the corners of his lips, and instructed Xiao Lizi, "Put up an altar."


  The mighty guard of honor walked towards the royal altar.


  The sky, dark clouds rolling.

  The boy poked his head out of the car window and looked at the dome where the sky had changed drastically: "Huh? Is it going to rain?"

   "It's going to thunder." Rong Qing said: "I hope the bridge won't be destroyed, otherwise we won't be able to enter the city."


Xuanyin carried Ning Yue to the open space in the courtyard, not daring to spread anything, for fear of causing a fire, Xuanyin hugged her and laid her down on the cold floor. Doctor Zhou put on gloves and pulled a long stick from the roof. The wire that came down was placed in front of Xuanyin.

   Xuanyin nodded: "Go further away."

  Miraculous doctor Zhou retreated to the corridor, fearing that the tragic situation would irritate Sun Yao later, so he asked the maid to take her back to the room.

  Xuan Yin put the Sky Thunder Stone into Ning Yue's hands.

  Everyone thought he was going to get up, but he lay down next to Ning Yue.

   Xuan Yu's eyes trembled: "Xiao Yin! What are you doing?"

Xuanyin held Ning Yue's hand, interlocked her fingers, and said with a touch of threat: "Ma Ningyue, you are mine, you are mine, you are my man, and death is my ghost." Dare to try to separate yourself from me!" He said, touching the wire.

   Xuan Yu was silent.

  In the gloomy sky, a group of dark clouds floated in the dark, and the whole world became dark and dull. Slowly, the dark clouds collided, and a meandering lightning flashed from the depths of the dome. The entire earth was clearly visible, but it missed the wires of the roof.

  (end of this chapter)

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