Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 828: Brother and sister meet and escape (5)

  Chapter 828 Brother and sister meet and escape (5)

  Boom, a huge thunder came, deafening.

   Xuan Yin hurriedly covered Ning Yue's ears with his hands, and said dotingly: "I know you are afraid of noise, don't worry, it will be soon."

   Another bolt of lightning flew, and the sky and the earth became brighter, but it still failed to hit.

   Repeated this seven or eight times, finally a bright light hit the roof, sparks ignited on the wire, the wire trembled, Xuanyin froze and did not move.

  Time seemed to stand still, everyone didn't even dare to breathe, they just looked at Xuan Yin and Ning Yue in a daze.


  The Thunder Stone in Ning Yue's palm shattered.

  Miraculous doctor Zhou shrank his pupils: "Quick! Take the wire away!"

  The sky thunder and stone are all destroyed, if there is another flash of lightning, won't it be split in half?

Xuan Yu threw out the dagger and bounced off the iron wire under Xuan Yin's hand. The wire swayed to the crabapple tree and was caught by the branches. Another lightning bolt hit the roof. There were only two pops in succession, and the crabapple tree split open. Yes, the roof blew up.

  Xuan Yin's head was a little dazed, and he slowly opened his eyes, spinning, and couldn't tell where he was for a while. Suddenly, he heard Xuan Zhao shouting: "Wake up! Wake up!"

   Xuan Yin was startled, and quickly looked at Ning Yue beside him, but where did Ning Yue wake up? Still sleeping so peacefully.

  Xuan Zhao said: "I...I mean you woke up, I thought you were hacked to death just now."

Xuan Yin hugged Ning Yue into his arms in disappointment, and brushed her big palm over her cold face: "You are still angry with me, aren't you? You said you wouldn't let go, why did you leave before me?" ?”

  Xuan Zhao yelled again: "Look! She moved! Her fingers moved!"

  Xuan Yin picked up Ning Yue's hand, his left hand was missing, and then looked at his right hand, and he saw the right index finger move slightly. He leaned over and put his ear to her heart.

   Bang bang, bang bang, there is a faint beating.

  Xuan Yin hurriedly hugged Ning Yue, and said excitedly: "She's alive! She's alive!"

  Miraculous doctor Zhou's eyes lit up, and soon darkened again: "Don't be too happy, she has almost failed to breathe, and she has less than half an hour to live. Let's pray that Rong Qing can show up as soon as possible."

  Rong Qing is good at mortal diseases, but it doesn't mean that Rong Qing can turn the dead into living people. Ning Yue's situation just now was a cardiac arrest, and other body functions are still there. It can't be regarded as a real death. Respiratory failure is different. If a person does not breathe, he will die quickly and completely.

  At four o'clock in the afternoon (four o'clock in the afternoon), a carriage stopped in the alley opposite the General's Mansion, the curtain was lifted, and two handsome faces that seemed unreal were revealed.

  The two of them looked at the gold-lettered plaque above the mansion—General Fubo's Mansion, and their eyes moved.

  Below the plaque, stood a woman in a lavender cloak. She was slender and fair-skinned. Her pale hands seemed so soft that there were no bones. Just by looking at her, she felt this way. She turned her head and said something with a smile to the little girl beside her. The profile of her side face was clear and graceful. She was holding a baby in her arms, about four or five months old. The baby's paws and head were lying on her shoulders, facing the direction of the carriage. I wonder if she saw the carriage. The baby was babbling Shouting, his little fist waved wildly.

  The woman smiled softly. Even though they were separated by a long distance, the two could still feel the kindness and love in their gentle eyes: "Are you hungry, baby?"

  Her voice is also very pleasant, soft and comfortable, which can make the heart soften.

The young man pointed to the plaque: "That's your home." Then he pointed to the woman, "I've seen her before. She went wild with Ma Ningyue and bought a lot of baby clothes. Ma Ningyue called her mother, It should... be your mother too. Are you going to say hello to her?"

  (end of this chapter)

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