Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 829: Brother and sister meet and escape (6)

  Chapter 829 Brother and sister meet and escape (6)

  Rong Qing shook his head: "Not yet."

  The boy lowered the curtain: "Then let's go."

  The carriage slowly drove away from the alley, Lin Lanzhi's heart twitched suddenly, and he turned around!

   "What's the matter, Lanzhi?" Niuniu also looked in the direction she was looking.

  Lin Lanzhi smiled faintly: "It's nothing." The feeling of worry at that moment just now made her think that Yue'er was back. But a few days ago, Dongmei sent someone to bring supplements, saying that Yue'er was busy with Huichuntang's business recently, and she couldn't go back to her mother's house to see her, so she told her not to worry too much. It would be a lie to say that she is not worried. No matter how well she is doing or not, as a mother, she can't help but worry about her.

  Niu Niu tugged on Lin Lanzhi's clothes, Lin Lanzhi leaned over, and Niu Niu touched her face like a little adult and said, "Lanzhi, you don't look very good recently, is it because your brother is too noisy?"

  Lin Lanzhi smiled softly: "No, my brother is not noisy."

   "Then... is Niuniu too noisy?"

   "No, Niuniu is very good." Lin Lanzhi freed up a hand and stroked her head. I've been feeling restless lately, feeling like something is about to happen. Just last night, she had a very scary dream. She dreamed that her son came back and asked where her sister was. She took her son to search all over the world, but she couldn't even find Yue'er. Yue'er just disappeared, and she went to nowhere. The feeling of powerlessness is really frightening to think about.

  Collecting her thoughts, she called Hongyu: "You go to the palace at night and give Yue'er some dresses I just made."

  After the lady got married, the wife was afraid of causing gossip and causing trouble for the lady, so she never took the initiative to contact the lady. This time, the lady probably missed her too much. Hongyu replied: "Okay, I'll go later."

   Booming, a flash of thunder flashed, Lin Lanzhi's expression changed in shock.


  The carriage stopped at Huichun Hall.

  The sudden thunderstorms just now scared a pregnant woman who bought medicine to give birth prematurely. The doctors hurriedly carried her to the treatment room.

  When the boy entered, the hall had just been cleaned up, and there was still a scent of clean water in the air. The boy sniffed, and asked the shopkeeper who was paying the bill, "Is Yueyue here?"

  He called Ning Yue by his nickname, and the shopkeeper was taken aback for a moment. Seeing that he was very handsome and extraordinary, he couldn't help showing a bit of respect: "Excuse me, are you..."

   "I'm her...cousin, her mother asked me to bring her something!" The boy said with a red face and heartbeat.

   Shopkeeper Li secretly wondered, does the princess have a cousin? Isn't there only a younger brother in the Lin family? If the other party is Lin Chengfeng, he doesn't look like it either. At best, Lin Chengfeng has fairer skin and a better temperament, unlike the young man opposite, he looks like a royal family. Confused, shopkeeper Li didn't dare to neglect, and smiled gently: "The master is not here, what Madam Ma asked you to bring, please put it here if it is convenient, or you can go directly to the palace."

  The boy frowned: "I remember she came every day..."

you remember? Have you been here? Why am I not impressed? Shopkeeper Li was dumbfounded.

  The young man asked again: "Will she still come today?" They are now in Nanjiang, and they should not go to the palace unless it is absolutely necessary.

Shopkeeper Li said: "The master hasn't come for almost half a month, maybe the palace is busy." To be honest, he also wants to see Ning Yue. The next quarter's budget comes out, and Ning Yue is waiting for approval, but Geng Zhongzhi is not here now. There is no messenger.

  The young man returned to the carriage without saying anything: "It's so strange, she hasn't been back and forth for more than ten days, this is not like her style!"

  (end of this chapter)

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