Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 830: Brother and sister meet and escape (7)

  Chapter 830 Brother and sister meet and escape (7)

  Rong Qing rubbed his aching heart, the feeling became more and more obvious, his face paled a bit: "Go to the palace."

  Even if it will be exposed, it can't be taken care of.

   "What? The fourth grandma isn't here?" Hongyu said disappointedly at the entrance of the palace, "When did the fourth grandma leave and where did you go, do you know?"

  The gatekeeper woman said: "I've been out for more than ten days! It seems that I went to play with the fourth master! I haven't come back! The fourth master is not here either!"

  Could it be that... the young couple went on a tour?

   Hongyu scratched her head, took the burden trustor inside and returned to the mansion.

   On the carriage, the young man was very confused: "The little girl is neither going to Huichun Hall nor in the palace, so she really ran out to play? Shall we find an inn to stay and find out about their whereabouts tomorrow?"

  Rong Qing stared: "I'm afraid she won't be able to wait until tomorrow."


  Mao o'clock (five o'clock in the afternoon), half an hour quietly crawled away.

  The lightning strike revived her heartbeat, but it couldn't stop her from breathing and collapsed.

  Xuan Yin's eyes dimmed a little bit, could it be that his news was wrong? Didn't Rong Qing return to the capital? Did all the people I sent out die?

   "Young Master! Young Master!" Dong Ba stumbled in and stumbled over the threshold. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen from the fall. He laughed while hurting, "Master Rong is here!"

  Rong Qing, here we come!

  Xuanyin walked out immediately. Unlike the tense scene he imagined, it was very quiet outside.

  At the gate, a man wearing a plain white brocade suit, lined with dark blue gauze, and a unicorn jade belt around his waist, quietly landed on the wheelchair and looked towards the direction of the corridor.

  His silhouette is delicate and handsome, his facial features are exquisite but not feminine, like a mountain cloud, elegant and elegant. Beside him, stood a purple-clothed young man, who also had a rare good appearance, but because of his fierce temperament, he looked like a young army who might launch an attack at any time.

  Behind the two of them was one of the shadow guards Xuanyin sent out to search the whole city.

  The shadow guard saluted Xuan Yin, Xuan Yin nodded, and the shadow guard retreated.

  Afterwards, Xuan Yin once again set his sights on Rong Qing, and Rong Qing looked at him without hesitation. Young, handsome, domineering, and violent are the first impressions Xuanyin gave him.

   The four eyes met, and there was an easily detectable smell of gunpowder in the air.

According to the news that Xuan Yin got, Rong Qing entered Beijing voluntarily. He didn't know exactly why he entered Beijing. He thought that his people would spend a lot of effort to arrest him, but seeing his indifferent face, he clearly took the initiative It was brought over by the shadow guard. this happening?

  Rong Qing glanced at him lightly: "Where's Yueer?"

   Xuanyin frowned thickly, he said... Yue'er? Doesn't this Yue'er refer to Ning Yue? Calling so affectionately? !

  Rong Qing swept his eyes, pointed to the room that smelled of medicine and said, "Rong Lin, push me in."

   "Okay." The young man ignored Xuan Yin's astonishment, and pushed Rong Qing to the corridor. When he went up the steps, he lifted the wheelchair up with a single stroke. This kind of strength made Dongba and Dongmei dumbfounded.

   Xuanyin watched Rong Qing enter Ning Yue's room in bewilderment, and asked the shadow guard outside the door: "Tell him, what did I want to find him?"

  The shadow guard shook his head: "No."

  So this guy knew that Ning Yue was ill? !

  Xuanyin stepped up the steps, and the young man stopped him at the door: "Rong Qing doesn't like to be disturbed when he treats illnesses."

   Really came to treat Ning Yue.

  (end of this chapter)

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