Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 831: Brother and sister meet and escape (8)

  Chapter 831 Brother and sister meet and escape (8)

  Rong Qing has three fatalities, the commander-in-chief who can’t win, the non-mortal disease, and the woman.

   Of these three things, Ning Yue became popular in two, so why did she turn on the green light? He thought that he would have to use the ten torture methods to force Rong Qing to submit.

  But at this juncture, Xuan Yin didn't care to confuse these things, he just wanted to know if Rong Qing could cure Ning Yue.

  The door is closed.

  Rong Qing pushed the wheelchair to the bed by himself, and looked at the little figure on the bed curiously. With just one look, he was sure it was his sister. Although he doesn't remember her appearance, but looking at her, his heart will be tumbling, happy, and distressed.

  She is so small, like a glutinous rice dumpling, a bowl seems to fit her in it.

  She should be fourteen years old, not more than fifteen years old. He disappeared eleven years ago, when...she should be three years old.

  He suddenly disappeared, did she cry?

  He sensed that something was going to happen to her, so he rushed to rescue her, but when they met, so many things flashed through his mind like fireworks.

"Little thing, what's the matter with you? You can't even wake up?" Rong Qing stretched out his bony hands and pinched her little face. It was much tenderer than Rong Lin's. Rong Lin's face felt comfortable to the touch. When I got up, my hands hurt. It's still my sister's softness, but it's a pity that I'm too thin, and I can pinch the bones when I pinch it, which really makes people feel distressed. He had the urge to feed her every day, to turn her into little meat buns.

   However, the premise is that he has to wake her up.

  He took out the golden needle and punctured her acupoints on the tiger's mouth and soles of her feet twice, temporarily stabilizing her breathing, and then began to check her body.

"Celestial silkworm Gu?" Rong Qing turned over her, and his slender fingers ran up her smooth back, stopping at the cervical spine, whispering and sighing, "Master, you old man can really go home and sell sweet potatoes, This kind of Gu can't be cured."

   Outside the door, Divine Doctor Zhou cleared his throat, and he knew that this apprentice's nose was sharper than a dog's. He must have smelled him as soon as he entered the door, and he couldn't hide it. However, what is wrong with him? It is not allowed to practice medicine. Besides, her current situation is not caused by the Heavenly Silkworm Gu at all, it is mainly because of that bottle of medicine!

   "Brat, you owe it to me to make her vomit and give her an injection to keep her alive for so long, so she can wait for you until today!"

   "That's right." For the first time in history, Rong Qing didn't argue with Dr. Zhou again, "For the sake of saving her life, let's write off the past."

   Miracle doctor Zhou was taken aback, almost thinking that he heard it wrong, that kid has blamed himself for so many years, and he forgave himself just because of a little Ma Ningyue? Who is Ma Ningyue?

  Rong Qing spread out Ning Yue's palm, touched the dust left there and said, "My heart stopped, and I used the method of lightning strike, how could you have the Sky Thunder Stone?" He asked with a trace of surprise.

   "Is it okay to give it to others?" Zhou Shenyi said strangely.

   "Hot water, ice, scissors."

  After Rong Qing gave the order, Dongmei and Dongba immediately went to the kitchen to prepare.

  The treatment process is very long.

  The doors and windows were closed tightly, and everyone could not see anything, only the sound of hula-la water and scissors could be heard.

  Xuanyin wandered anxiously at the door, several times trying to rush in to find out, but was stopped by the boy.

In the past, Xuan Yin would have greeted him with a fist, and he didn't care if the other party was a Southern Border commander or not, but now, he was afraid that even the slightest movement would affect Rong Qing, so he could only hold back, hold back, and worry !

  The young man moved a recliner and sat down at the door, looking like a vigil.

  (end of this chapter)

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