Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 844: Thousands of pains and pets seduce (3)

  Chapter 844 Thousands of pains and thousands of pets to seduce (3)

Ning Yue's body is getting better day by day. A few days ago, she couldn't even sit for a long time. Now she can walk on the ground, but she can't walk for a long time, and she is out of breath after a dozen steps, as if she has returned to the lingering sick days before leaving the pavilion .

  Dongmei saw that Ning Yue was sweating profusely and was about to lose her strength, so she hurriedly helped her up and said, "Take a break, don't be in a hurry."

  Ning Yue nodded: "Yes."

  The two sat down in the yard, Ning Yue glanced at the empty yard, and asked Dongmei wonderingly: "I remember there was a crabapple tree here, why is it gone?"

   "It was struck by lightning." Dongmei said, "There is also the roof of the west wing, but it has been repaired."

  Ning Yue already knew that her heart had stopped beating, and she also knew that in order to revive her heartbeat, that **** Doctor Zhou actually thought of a way to strike with lightning. In case the thunder and lightning are too strong, the sky thunder stone will not be able to protect her. That day, it was really **** luck.

   After sitting for a while, Sun Yao came over.

   This is Sun Yao's first visit after Ning Yue woke up. She thought that Ning Yue would be sick, but she didn't expect her spirit to be so good, even though her face had no blood, she still looked very weak.

   "How is it? Do you feel okay?" Sun Yao sat down next to Ning Yue and asked.

  Ning Yue smiled slightly: "It's much better." Looking at her stomach, "How is it? Is my little nephew naughty?"

Sun Yao rubbed her belly, revealing a touch of maternal tenderness: "Fortunately, the fetal movement is not much, the doctor said it will take another two months to increase." Looking around, she said, "Aren't they here? "

   They are talking about Xuan Yin, Rong Qing and Dashuai. Xuan Zhao told her all of this, but he just omitted the embarrassing incident of being beaten by the commander.

  Ning Yue said: "Xuan Yin has gone to the barracks, my elder brother and Rong Lin are playing chess, do you want to say hello to them?"

  Sun Yao saw that the doors and windows were closed tightly, afraid of disturbing them: "Later, don't worry. By the way, Qin'er's marriage has been finalized."

   "Really? Which family's son?"

   "The second son of the Chen family, the second son came to ask for marriage. Somehow, he persuaded the princess."

  Chen Er's eloquence, of course, has no problem fooling a princess. Although Ms. Chen is quite innocent and cowardly, but Chen Er is shrewd and has a good temperament, so she can be regarded as a good match for a woman. Ning Yue smiled: "Congratulate Qin'er for me."

Sun Yao said: "Qin'er wanted to come to see you, but the princess refused to let her, and told her to stay at home and prepare for marriage, and not to run around. You also know that a few days ago, Sikong Jing had a big scandal, which made the whole The capital is a sensation, and the princess is afraid that something will happen to Qin'er, so she is strict."

   "What... a scandal?" During these days, he has been recuperating in another hospital, living an isolated life, and is almost out of touch with society.

  Sun Yao lowered her volume and said, "That's right... she was raped."

  Ning Yue raised her eyebrows: "Rape?"

Sun Yao nodded, and said in a low voice: "The day she came out of the yamen, she returned home in a carriage and was raped by gangsters. Her screams were heard by the whole street. The body was also seen."

  Heard it all along the street? Ning Yue almost blew it up, the rumors were indeed a terrible thing, how could she dare to make a sound if she had an affair with her brother-in-law in broad daylight?

   "Have you caught the murderer yet?"

"I caught it. It's the coachman of the Zhao family. Zhao Qi went to pick up Sikong Jing home for Sikong Lin. When there was an emergency on the way, he asked the coachman to take Sikong's house. Unexpectedly, the coachman became malicious and sent Sikongjing to Sikong. raped."

  Zhao Qi really knows how to find a scapegoat.

  (end of this chapter)

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