Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 845: Thousands of pains and pets seduce (4)

  Chapter 845 Thousands of pains and thousands of pets to seduce (4)

  Ning Yue smiled and said nothing. Once the news of Si Kongjing being raped by the coachman spreads all over the capital, she won't be able to live in the capital anymore, let alone get married. She won't even be able to live there. Si Kongjing deserved it, she was so sick this time that she almost couldn't wake up, who let her go to provoke her and Xuanyin, at least half of the credit was due to Sikongjing.

   "Because of what happened to Si Kongjing, many little girls are afraid to go out easily now. Don't blame Qin'er for not coming to see you, she really wants to come." Sun Yao explained.

  Ning Yue shook her head: "No, I understand."

  Sun Yao took a sip of tea and said again: "By the way, Yue'er, the princess asked when you and your fourth brother will return home?"

Ning Yue took a look at Rong Qing's room. If possible, she would never want to go back for the rest of her life, so she let Xuan Yin and her eldest brother live here with her, but she knew that this was impossible, not to mention that she and Xuan Yin would return to the palace sooner or later , Even the eldest brother will return to Ma's house one day.

   "Let's live with it for a while, and come back when it's almost ready."

  Sun Yao sat for a while, until Ning Yue was a little tired, and then reluctantly left.

  Ning Yue entered the room, Rong Qing was sleeping, and the young man stood by the bed. It was only later that Ning Yue found out that her eldest brother's health was also not good, and he would be weak for a long time every time he saw a doctor. No wonder he had to set three strange rules. Ning Yue held the elder brother's hand, tucked the quilt for the elder brother, looked at the young man, and whispered: "Rong Lin, you just left like this, will Nanjiang send someone to look for you?"

  She heard that the queen of Nanjiang valued her elder brother very much.

   "Never mind it." The boy said indifferently, as if he didn't realize what he gave up at all.

Ning Yue still doesn't know how many times Rong Qing escaped from the dead. Rong Qing didn't tell much about the process of returning, only that Ma Yuan sneaked into the palace and planned to assassinate him, but finally recognized him and took him out of the palace. up. But halfway, he encountered a group of bandits, and the father and son were separated. Rong Lin found Rong Qing in time and escorted Rong Qing all the way to the capital. As for the search for the Queen of Nanjiang, Ma Jinyan's frame-up, Suhuo's pursuit, and Xuanyingwei's interception, Rong Qing didn't mention a single word.

  If Rong Qing doesn't mention it, the young man certainly won't mention it, and Xuan Yin is also very tacitly tight-lipped. In some respects, the positions of the three men were surprisingly consistent, that is, Ning Yue should not be worried.

  Ning Yue vaguely guessed that things were not as simple as what her elder brother said, but she thought, if elder brother wants to be a golden bird, she should be a golden bird. It's rare to be loved so much by someone. She used to envy Xuan Xiaoying's good life, but now she has it too.

  Rong Qing woke up from his sleep, and saw his younger sister looking at him in front of the bed, and immediately felt good.

  He seldom smiles in the palace, but after coming here, as long as Ning Yue is by his side, his eyes are full of smiles.

  The three of them had lunch happily, during which Xuanyin sent Dongba back for a trip, and gave some ginseng and bird's nest, saying it was a tonic for Lin Lanzhi. This is a disguised reminder to Rong Qing to go home, Rong Qing is angry and funny, how is his sister married? Simply looking for a buddy! Two brats, no wonder they almost killed themselves.

  But it's time for him to go home and see his mother. Like his sister, that was the closest person in his life.

   "You want to go home? Huh? I want to see your mother?" The boy jumped up all of a sudden, "So fast! Not even mentally prepared!"

  Rong Qing glanced at him: "What psychological preparation do you need?"

   "That's right, Rong Lin, what psychological preparation do you want? It's not about meeting your mother-in-law!" Ning Yue said with a smirk.

   "Hmph~" the boy turned his face away.

  In the afternoon, Rong Qing and Ning Yue each took a nap, because the two of them are not in good health, fearing that Lanzhi might worry, they both decided to rest and go home for dinner.

  (end of this chapter)

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