Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 851: mother-child reunion frivolous (1)

  Chapter 851 Mother and child reunion frivolous (1)

  Ning Yue was sitting in the cubicle picking out jewelry, Rong Qing was beside her, looking at her with a smile, and feeding her by the way. A plate of pastries, half gone quickly.

When the princess rushed to the jewelry store, she saw such a scene, and all this seemed not enough to challenge her nerves, Rong Qing stretched out her thumb again, and wiped off the pastry foam from the corner of Ning Yue's lips, Ning Yue turned her head and rushed He smiled sweetly, and he also smiled. The tacit understanding between the two seemed to prevent any outsider from getting in.

  The princess immediately felt a rush of blood rushing to the top of her head, and said in a trembling and small voice through her teeth: "Clear the venue."

  Biqing looked at the intimate Ning Yue and the man in the room, sighed and walked to the lobby, and after negotiating with the shopkeeper, "invited" all the guests and staff out.

  The jewelry store fell silent instantly.

  Ning Yue got up to salute the princess, but was stopped by Rong Qing. No matter who this woman is, the outrageous look cannot be appeased by my younger sister's low profile. He doesn't want his little thing to be wronged.

  Rong Qing's hand was on the back of Ning Yue's.

At the beginning, it was just feeding, but now there is a direct skin-to-skin relationship. The blood rushing to the top of the princess seems to be spurting out of the eyes, staring at the two of them, and said coldly: "What's going on? Ma Ning Yue, you better give me an explanation!"

   To be honest, Ning Yue was a little confused. She went shopping with her brother and Rong Lin just to buy gifts for Lanzhi, and never thought of "encountering" with the princess under such circumstances. No, it's not a chance encounter. The concubine came here directly, as if she knew she was there, and she also knew that there was a man by her side. It was a posture of wanting to catch the **** on the bed.

   No need to think about it, it must be that **** Si Kongjing who went to inform me.

   Provoked her and Xuanyin, and then came to provoke her and the princess. It really is a dog who can't change his shit. He can't get along in the capital, and he keeps offending her.

   "Mother Concubine, this is my eldest brother." She introduced calmly, she did not do anything wrong, she behaved well, even if the princess asked her a hundred times, she would not feel guilty.

  Rong Qing nodded with satisfaction, this is his younger sister, she is quite courageous, so what about her mother-in-law? You can't be pinched by the other party as a soft persimmon.

  The concubine did not buy Ning Yue's account. The more courageous the daughter, the better, so that she will not be bullied when she goes to her husband's house in the future, but the daughter-in-law, naturally, the more she respects her, the better, just like Sun Yao. Ning Yue's attitude made the princess not very happy. The princess narrowed her eyes coldly, and said, "Who are you lying to, Ma Ningyue? Your elder brother passed away more than ten years ago, so how can there be another elder brother?"

His eyes swept over the young man at the side, and a powerful murderous aura emanated from the young man, which made people shudder, but the concubine was not the servant of an ordinary family. She married the mighty king of Zhongshan and gave birth to three excellent sons. Even if the emperor came in front of her, she would not feel the slightest fear. A strong young man might just be bluffing. She rolled her eyes, "Don't tell me, this is your brother too."

  Ning Yue said: "No."

Seeing that the man's big palm on the back of Ning Yue's hand hadn't been removed, the princess frowned: "Isn't it unreasonable for you two to kiss each other in broad daylight? Ma Ningyue, you still have a little A sense of shame? The daughter of a small family is really lacking in education! You say you are recuperating from a poor health, but look, where have you been raised? You have raised a man! You are the daughter-in-law of the palace! You How can you let the Wangfu be in love? How can you let Xiaoyin be in love? You two don't talk about how much face you have earned for the Wangfu, at least don't hold the Wangfu back!"

   At the beginning, he was insulting her, but in the end, he even scolded Xuanyin, as if he was blaming Xuanyin for embarrassing the palace. Ning Yue sneered, and glanced at her brother. Seeing a cold light in his eyes, she held her brother's hand back: "I can handle it."

  (end of this chapter)

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