Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 852: Mother and child reunion frivolous (2)

  Chapter 852 Mother and child reunion frivolous (2)

  Rong Qing glanced at her and nodded.

Ning Yue looked at the princess with mocking sarcasm, and said with a sneer: "Mother, I have already said that he is my elder brother. If you don't believe me, just keep asking me, or ask Xuanyin, but you just don't know what to say." Dougian swears, why is there no reason to blame? The last sentence is your truth, right? You don't blame me for being entangled with men, you just think that Xuanyin and I have dragged the palace back, making your eyes It hurts! But don’t forget, my son-in-law, who is poorly educated, was found by your elder son himself! The **** you hate most is also protected by your elder son with all his might! His various virtues are all caused by you The eldest son is used to it! You are not used to it now, and now you feel that he dragged the palace back? What did you do in the early years? Why didn’t you jump out when he fought for the first time, when he played truant for the first time? Don't worry about him? Don't say it's not your own, it's hard to control. Then don't worry about it now! What happens to him and what happens to me has nothing to do with you! Don't always make excuses!"

  The concubine fell back angrily: " this your attitude when talking to elders?"

Maybe it was because she was too lonely and lacking in love in the past, and she was very satisfied when others treated her a little bit better. She always compared the princess with Liu Wanyu, thinking that at least the princess had never persecuted her like Liu Wanyu in her previous life. Therefore, even though the princess She silently endured wronging her and Xuanyin several times. But now she suddenly realized that her repeated and repeated forbearance was not only worthless, but also fueled the princess's arrogance, thinking that it was right for her to keep her low profile and be a petty person, and it was only natural for her to be labeled indiscriminately.

  She shook her brother's hand, she would no longer compromise, no longer compare people in this life with people in her previous life, and she would not tolerate everything just because of a little favor from others.

   "If the elders love me, I will naturally respect them in every possible way. But for elders like you who always make use of trivial matters, I'm sorry, I really don't have enough self-cultivation!"

  Her voice is not loud, but every word reveals strong firmness.

  The princess stared in disbelief as if she had known her for the first time: "Is someone backing you up? You've started to be defiant, haven't you?"

"The concubine is the one who is defiant! Feel your conscience and say, if you saw Sun Yao and a strange man today, would you give her a chance to explain? Would you believe everything she said? You Yes! But the object is me, even if I tell the truth, even if I kneel down to beg you, you still think I stole someone outside! To put it bluntly, you are prejudiced against Sifang! You think that there is no one in Sifang Good stuff! Xuanyin is an asshole, so I won't give in too much! But if you dare not touch Xuanyin, just wrong me several times!" Ning Yue said sharply.

  Princess Wang's complexion changed slightly.

Is that so?

  The reason why she thinks that the people in the fourth room always make mistakes is because of a prejudice?


  Ning Yue continued: "After Lan Zhen made such a great sacrifice for your mother and son, why do you treat his son and daughter-in-law like this? You are so kind!"

The princess choked: "You...what are you talking about? What sacrifice? Don't listen to Xuanyin's nonsense about what happened back then, and think that I failed his mother! Let me tell you, I have never done anything to be sorry for his mother. thing!"

  Ning Yue shook her head in disappointment: "Look, I haven't said anything yet, and you think it was Xuanyin talking nonsense in front of me. If it's not prejudice, what is it?"

  Princess choked.

  (end of this chapter)

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