Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 853: Mother and child reunion frivolous (3)

  Chapter 853 Mother and child reunion frivolous (3)

Ning Yue said: "Princess, listen carefully. Xuanyin doesn't know everything I'm going to say next. I've thought about keeping it from you for the rest of my life, but now, I can't keep it from you. You can feel at ease. I can't stand the way I trample on others."

  The concubine's heart pounded, and she instinctively had a premonition that she might be told something that was unbearable to her, but her rationality reminded her, what does a yellow-haired girl know? She has eaten more salt than she has ever eaten rice, maybe what she thinks is a great situation, but in her eyes, it is just a trivial matter.

   Thoughts flashed through her, and she wasn't so worried again.

  Ning Yue was teased by her disdainful face, it was a sneer, she probably thought she couldn't say anything? In fact, there is really nothing complicated, just a fact that cannot be simpler.

   "Princess, do you know how Lan Zhen died?"

  Princess was startled: "She's dead?" Isn't she missing?

   "She is dead, not missing, nor is she abandoning her husband and son." Ning Yue emphasized the last sentence, because this is probably something that the princess has always used to anger the prince.

   "How is this possible?" She remembers the events of that year very clearly. It was in Beicheng, when Xuan Yu was five years old, and Xuan Yin and the twins were four years old. Xuan Yu wanted a horse of her own, but she disagreed. Xuan Yu went to find Lan Zhen and asked Lan Zhen to take him there. It's ridiculous to say that Xuan Yu is clearly her son, but sometimes he is closer to Lan Zhen. Lan Zhen took him there, and that was the time Lan Zhen ran away. For this reason, Zhongshan Wang Chong made Xuanyu angry for a long time, saying that it was all because of the child's naughtiness that Lan Zhen had the opportunity to leave. She just thought it was ridiculous, that woman was naturally ruthless, she disappeared for a year and became pregnant at the age of fourteen, and gave birth to Xuan Yin with King Zhongshan at the age of twenty-four, if she can abandon the first family, she can naturally abandon the second. Xuan Yu, who pitied her, was used by Lan Zhen as a spearman, and in the end, he had to bear the wrath of his father. Why scold her son? Isn't Xuanyin there all right? If the mother's debt is paid by the son, Xuanyin should be scolded.

  Ning Yue saw Wang Hao's expression, and knew that Wang Hao was blaming Lan Zhen again, and said seriously: "Wang Hao, Lan Zhen doesn't owe you, nor Xuan Yu, she doesn't owe anyone."

   "Oh." The concubine sneered, "I don't care how much you know about what happened back then, but things are by no means as simple as what you heard, and it's not like you don't owe anything if you say you don't owe it."

   "Lan Zhen was killed by your son."

  Princess Wang frowned: "What did you say?"

Ning Yue looked at her firmly and said: "Things back then were indeed not as simple as they heard. Xuan Yu went to choose a horse, and Lan Zhen left with an excuse. I hope this is the case, but unfortunately it is not. Your son is arguing to buy it. Horse, but you didn't want to go, so he begged Lan Zhen to go. On the way back after buying the horse, they encountered a group of northern soldiers. Lan Zhen dragged those people back and let your son escape on horseback. Your son's life , It was given by Lan Zhen! But your proud son is like a coward, and dare not tell you the truth at all! He found the old prince, and the old prince rushed to rescue Lan Zhen, but unfortunately it was too late, Lan Zhen was gone He was tortured to death! His old man... was also killed by that group of people!"

   Speaking of this, Ning Yue's eyes were red.

  The concubine's legs softened, and she took a few steps back: "Impossible...It's absolutely impossible! You're lying! You're lying to me! Who told you a messy story? It's not true!"

  Her son who is so powerful cannot be so cowardly, it is impossible to dare to tell the truth, it is impossible to hide it from everyone for so many years...

   Ning Yue's words were like ice: "All this was told to me by your elder son himself! If you don't believe me, just confront him! See if I have a false statement!"

  (end of this chapter)

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