Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 854: Mother and child reunion frivolous (4)

  Chapter 854 Mother and child reunion frivolous (4)

  The concubine stumbled away. She didn't remember what she came to the jewelry store for. Her mind was full of the phrase "Your son's life was given by Lan Zhen".

  She doesn't believe it, she wants to ask her son to understand!


  Xuan Yu was looking at the painting in the room. The person in the painting was wearing a blue dress and a white dress, with a gorgeous appearance, sitting in the counting room, thinking seriously.

  Suddenly, the princess came in, eyes full of horror, trembling all over.

  Xuan Yu immediately put away the scroll, put it in the bottle, stood up and looked at the concubine and said, "Concubine mother, what's wrong with you?"

The concubine ran to him, grabbed his arm, her nails almost dug into his flesh, her lips trembled, as if she was so cold, but also as if she was terrified: "Yu'er, Yu'er, tell me that Lan Zhen is not you killed..."

   Xuan Yu's pupils just shrank: "Who... said it?"

"Ma Ningyue..." The princess didn't cry, but big tears rolled down her eyes, "She said that you killed Lan Zhen, that you killed your grandfather, and that you didn't tell the truth ...She is so hateful, she actually told such a lie to deceive me..."

   "She wasn't lying."

   "What?" The princess raised her head abruptly, and looked at her son who was head taller than her in disbelief.

   Xuan Yu clenched his fists and said, "Concubine Mu, are you going to embarrass her again?"

   "Again?" Wang Hao's eyes became more incredible.

   "Don't embarrass her anymore, and don't embarrass Xiaoyin anymore, I beg you." Xuan Yu said with restraint.

  The princess took a step back and looked at her son dumbly: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

  Xuan Yu took a deep breath, clenched his fists and said, "Concubine Mu, I've already done sorry to Aunt Lan, I can't do sorry to Xiao Yin any more, you just think it's for my own good, don't hold on to them anymore."

  At this moment, the princess really realized that her son was not as good as he appeared on the surface, and he had been living in the shadow of self-blame.

"why did not you tell me?"

   Xuan Yu didn't speak.

   "Why, tell Ma Ningyue?"

  The concubine smiled wryly, and opened the picture scroll that Xuan Yu hastily hid. The woman on the picture scroll is elegant and leisurely, like pearls and jade, who is it not Ma Ningyue?

  Her teardrops hit the painting.


   "Are you okay?" Inside the carriage, Rong Qing asked Ning Yue softly, "If you're not feeling well, we can go home to see your mother another day."

   "No, I'm fine." A person who lives and dies once understands the urgency of time, she will not waste time on bad people or things, and she will not think about the past over and over again. She cares more about the people around her who really love her and make her happy, "Will Big Brother think I'm fierce?"

   "No." Rong Qing pinched her face lovingly, "You did a good job. Remember, you can only be weak in front of me. Whoever bullies you, don't be polite to him."

  The young man raised his eyebrows: "Exactly! If you can't win the fight, come back and tell me, I'll teach him a lesson for you!"

  The commander-in-chief of Southern Xinjiang is not for nothing. If he can't even protect his sister, he might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes!

  Rong Qing: Sister? Said it was my aunt.

  Youth: It’s my younger sister, younger sister, younger sister, younger sister, younger sister…


  When the carriage approached the General's Mansion, the interior of the carriage fell silent. The so-called timidity of being close to the countryside probably meant this feeling.

  As the most powerful military advisor in southern Xinjiang, Rong Qing was used to various occasions, and he was always calm. However, at this moment, he was a little nervous.

  (end of this chapter)

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