Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 885: The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (1)

  Chapter 885 The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (1)

  Brother was captured just like that!

   In front of her, he was taken away alive!

  Ning Yue's nails dug into her palm fiercely. If she were to find out who made the whistleblower, she would have to chop that guy off!

   "Brother Wei."

She suppressed the anger in her heart, looked at Catcher Wei at the side, and said calmly, "What happened? We all decided to confess everything to the emperor today, and my second uncle even drew up the notes... "

Captain Wei heaved a long sigh: "Our Jingzhao Mansion also got the news this morning. It was really sudden and surprising! No one expected that your elder brother was still alive, let alone that he became the face of Nanjiang. son."

  Young Master Rong's name has long been heard in Xiliang, not to mention the **** of war who trapped them with formations, and invented such a powerful weapon, which made Xiliang soldiers suffer. A Young Master Rong, a handsome man, has almost become a feared existence in Xiliang.

  However, such a powerful person was Ma Keqing, their "young prime minister" who died young in Xiliang.

  Captain Wei was still immersed in the shock brought by Rong Qing, but he didn't have so many doubts about the emperor's decree to arrest Rong Qing.

  Ning Yue had to ask again: "Brother Wei, do you know where the emperor heard the news, and do you know that my elder brother belongs to Mr. Rong?"

   "I don't know about this either. Anyway, when I went to the Yamen, the oral order had already arrived." Captain Wei said truthfully.

  Since it was spoken by the Holy Spirit, it must have come from the palace.

  However, who has such a great ability to pass the news to the palace at the beginning, and then spread it to the emperor's ears impartially?

  Si Kongjing?

   Not like.

  Her hand was broken by Rong Lin, and she stayed in the mansion all day to recover from her injuries. The head of the Sikong family ordered people to watch her very closely, and she had no chance to leave the Sikong mansion.

  Besides, even if she had the chance to leave, she didn't know that another identity of her elder brother was Rong Qing.

   Not many people know Rong Qing's true identity, Xuan Yu, Xuan Zhao, Xuan Yin, Sun Yao, Zhou Shenyi and the Ma family.

   These people will not go to expose Rong Qing.

  Seeing that Ning Yue was lost in thought, Captain Wei quickly asked a few words: "Why is your elder brother Rong Qing? Why didn't he come back for so many years if he didn't collude with the enemy and treason the country?"

   It's not his fault for being suspicious, it's really too strange to accept.

   Ning Yue stared and said: "My elder brother has lost his memory, and he doesn't know who he is."

   That's why they insisted on explaining the situation in person. The eldest brother's question is simple and simple, but he lost his memory; it is complicated and complicated, after all, he has helped Nanjiang with so many things. It's not a big problem to make a statement by yourself and explain the whole process clearly; but once you report it from someone else, the nature is completely different.

  Once a person has a preconceived idea, it is difficult to change his opinion. Because at that time, not only will you have to admit the truth of the incident, but you will also have to admit that you are ignorant and have listened to slander. This is undoubtedly a bit of a face-slap for the king of a country.

   "Brother Wei, please don't say anything about this. I want to explain it to the emperor myself."

Detective Wei quickly smiled in relief: "Okay, I won't say, since your elder brother has a reason, I believe there will be a day when the truth will come to light! I'll go first, and you should quickly find a way to rescue your elder brother! Dali The prison food in the temple is not good! Your elder brother's body..."

  He wanted to say that prison food in the world is not good, but if he is in Jingzhao Mansion, he can still take care of him, but it is a place like Dali Temple, and I am afraid that even Zhongshan King's hand can't get in.

  (end of this chapter)

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