Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 886: The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (2)

  Chapter 886 The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (2)

  Ning Yue bowed her body: "Thank you Brother Wei for coming to help."

  She could see that Captain Wei didn't need to go through this muddy water, it was because of her friendship that he had the audacity to come here with the people from Dali Temple.

  Catcher Wei smiled honestly and honestly: "I can't help much, well, I'll go see your elder brother."

   The two of them bid farewell.

  Ning Yue called Dongmei: "Go to the camp of the Xuan family and inform Xuan Yin!"


  In a tea house, in the wing room on the second floor, the windows are slightly open, and you can clearly see the situation along the street from here, and the prison cars of Dali Temple pass by the street mightily.

  A man in white is sitting in a cage.

  The cage is dilapidated, but it can't hide his elegance.

  The crowd watching all cast surprised glances at him.

   Probably wanted to ask who he was and what crime he committed.

  A child threw a vegetable leaf at him.

  The concubine withdrew her gaze from the cage, and looked at the expression, she was a little relieved.

  She looked at Suhuo, and said in a normal tone: "I have done as you said, and people have been arrested. Don't forget to tell Ma Ningyue to shut up."

  Su Huo sat there, motionless: "Of course."

  Wang Hao looked at him without even moving his lips when he spoke, and her heart trembled for a while, always feeling like she was talking to a dead person. The princess frowned and said, "What are you going to do? My daughter-in-law is not so easy to threaten. Although she always shows a weak and incompetent look in front of me, I only found out after tearing her face. She has been pretending for a long time. In short, she is not as simple as you see."

   "I have a measure." Su Huo said expressionlessly.

   "You haven't said what you plan to do." Wang Hao reminded.

  Suhuo glanced at the princess: "Your mission has been completed, you don't have to worry about what I'm going to do next."

"What do you mean?" No matter how stupid the princess is, she can still hear his refusal, "You said, you will ask me for instructions on how to do it, and you can execute it after I agree! If I don't agree, you can stop at any time, and you can do it at any time." Pull back! So now, you suddenly played an own game with me?"

Su Huo said unhurriedly: "You think too much, Concubine Xuan. For the sake of your own safety, you'd better not participate in the next thing. I can do it independently, you trust me. Give me one more thing , and the matter will be completed satisfactorily.”


  Ning Yue got into the carriage and went to Zhongshan Palace.

  After thinking about it, she couldn't figure out who would go to inform the emperor. After all, those who knew had no enmity with her elder brother; and those who had enmity with his elder brother didn't know that the elder brother was Rong Qing.

  She quickly thought of the princess.

  The concubine has completely torn face with them, will she run to her elder brother to have a knife because of this?

  Although the princess didn't know the identity of the eldest brother at the time, what if someone told her that she had slipped up afterwards?

  She decided to go back home to find out the truth.

  She found Sun Yao.

  Sun Yao was five months pregnant, and she seemed to be in good spirits. During this period, Qin'er moved to Qingling Pavilion and was taken care of by her. Qin'er's madness is completely cured, and the two get along very well.


   "Sister-in-law four!"

  The two of them took Ning Yue's hand affectionately, seeing Ning Yue's pale face, they felt distressed for a while.

   "Sister-in-law Si, I heard that you are sick, are you better?" Qin'er asked worriedly.

  Ning Yue smiled slightly: "It's much better."

"I've lost a lot of weight, my face is so ugly, and I said it's much better. Rong... cough!" Sun Yao just wanted to say Rong Qing's name, but realized that there were too many people talking, so she changed her words, "Didn't the doctor tell you to rest more? It's cold, you should stay indoors. Look at your hands, they are almost frozen."

  (end of this chapter)

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