Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 887: The prince was angry and reaped the consequences (3)

  Chapter 887 The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (3)

  She rubbed Ning Yue's cold hands.

  Ning Yue bent the corners of her lips: "It's like this when you recover from a serious illness, and you'll recover after a while."

   "Sister-in-law, what disease do you have?" Qin'er asked curiously.

   "I don't know, so I feel powerless." Ning Yue said with a smile, "It's okay, it's over, I'm fine."

   "Yeah." Qin'er nodded, "Then when will you go back home, sister-in-law?"

  Ning Yue looked normal and said: "I have to rest for a while, I don't know the exact time."

   "That's it, I miss my sister-in-law so much." Qin'er's mood began to sink.

  Sun Yao understood that Ning Yue had something to say to her, so she turned to Qin'er and said, "Didn't you say you wanted to make a hand warmer for your fourth sister-in-law last time? Are you done?"

  Qin'er stared at her almond-shaped eyes: "Ah! Not yet! It's only half done! Fourth sister-in-law, wait for me, I'll do it now!"

Qin'er left, Sun Yaoping retreated the maids, asked Shi Hua to guard the door, looked at Ning Yue and said, "Is there something wrong with you coming to see me today?" Before Ning Yue could answer, she continued to ask, "Are you really Did you move out? What's going on?"

  Three questions in a row made Ning Yue not know which one to answer first.

  Ning Yue paused, and then said: "I fell out with my concubine mother, and then Xuanyin asked people to pack up and move out."

"Why did you fall out with the concubine mother? Did she bully you again?" It was not obvious at first, the concubine was basically flat, but as she got to know her better, she found that the concubine was not as good as the fourth wife. Other rooms are so caring. Especially after Xuanyin became more and more powerful, the dissatisfaction of the princess could almost be written on her face. Even if she said that Ning Yue was seriously ill and was recuperating in a small courtyard, the princess did not propose to take Ning Yue back to the mansion for treatment.

   "Anyway, there was some trouble, and I will explain the details to you later." Ning Yue held Sun Yao's hand, "Are you okay?"

   "I'm fine, just ask if you have anything to say, I won't keep it from you."

  Ning Yue nodded and asked, "Is the princess in the mansion?"

   "She went out early in the morning."

   "My elder brother's identity, no one told her the truth?"

  Sun Yao thought for a while: "This... I don't know, anyway, I didn't tell Xuan Zhao, the prince... I think he probably won't either."

  So, the princess didn't know, so it has nothing to do with this matter?

  Ning Yue pressed the center of her eyebrows, feeling weird, and asked again: "Then did she say anything to you when she came back yesterday?"

   "She came back too late yesterday, I had already rested, and I didn't see her. I went to pay her respects today, but she went out again." Sun Yao told the truth.

  Ning Yue took a weak breath, it was only noon when the princess left Ma's house, why did she come back so late? Where did she go during the period in between? What did you do?

  Ning Yue sat in Sun Yao's Qingling Pavilion for a while, before waiting for the concubine, she decided to go back to the General's Mansion to meet Xuanyin first.

   Just walked to the door, the princess came back refreshed.

  Princess Wang glanced at Ning Yue, remembering the slap yesterday, her cheeks that had long since subsided seemed to be aching again.

  She said in a cold voice: "Didn't you move out? What are you doing back? Don't tell me, you have regretted it again, and you feel that the outside is not as good as the palace, and you want to move back again!"

  This kind of ghostly place, if you beg her, she won't move back!

  Ning Yue looked at her indifferently. Anyway, she was tearing her face, and she was not afraid of hurting each other's face by asking too much: "Did you do what happened to my elder brother?"

  Wangfei's eyes flashed suddenly, she clenched her fingers, turned her face away and said, "What did you do to your elder brother?"

  (end of this chapter)

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