Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 888: The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (4)

  Chapter 888 The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (4)

Ning Yue looked at her without blinking: "My elder brother was arrested, saying that he was collaborating with the enemy and treason, and it was the emperor's personal command. But this is very strange. I didn't tell anyone about my elder brother's identity, so why did it reach the emperor's ears? ? Presumably a close minister or favorite concubine of the emperor told the emperor the secret, and even told... it was not the truth."

  Princess Ning Yue was at a loss for what to do with her sharp eyes, as if all the lies were about to be seen through, she said impatiently: "How do I know who did it? Shouldn't you go ask Dali Temple about this?"

  Ning Yue raised her eyebrows suspiciously: "Huh? How did the concubine know it was Dali Temple? It wasn't Jingzhao Mansion, Yushitai, or the Ministry of Punishment?"

   "I heard people say it on the road, and it spread throughout the capital." She said calmly.

   "Since it has spread, why did you pretend not to know about it when I asked you just now if you did what my elder brother did?" Ning Yue would not let go of any flaws and loopholes.

  The princess was forced to ask the question and felt uncomfortable all over. This is a kind of guilty conscience that the secret is about to be revealed in front of others. She tried to calm herself down, and fearlessly met Ning Yue's eyes: "I don't want to talk to you, so I'm perfunctory, what? Do you expect me to love you like I used to? Or treat you like a guest? In you, After you slap me?"

   These words are very flattering and very confident.

  Ning Yue still let go of the doubts in her heart: "Then dare to ask where did the princess go after leaving Ma's house yesterday, who did she meet, and why did she return home so late?"

   "Ma Ningyue, figure out your identity! Even if you don't regard me as your mother-in-law, I will always be the concubine of the Zhongshan Palace! You have no right to ask what I have done!" She said angrily.

   "Is the princess guilty? Don't you dare let others know the truth?" Ning Yue asked. She couldn't say why, but she just felt that the princess was very suspicious.

  Wang Hao's eyes flickered for a moment, and it was fleeting, but even so, it was enough for Ning Yue to catch it. Ning Yue's face gradually turned cold: "If you don't tell the truth, I'll go and tell the prince about Lan Zhen!"

   She said, and walked away.

  The concubine hurriedly stopped her: "How dare you? You tell the prince, you... don't even think about your elder brother coming out safely!"

  Ning Yue turned around abruptly, her eyes flickered like a drawn sword, "It really is you?"

  The concubine took a deep breath, why was she so stupid, and fell into this girl's provocative trick all of a sudden? Forget it, if this girl knows it, she will know it, anyway, there is nothing she can do to her.

A thought flashed through her, and she raised her chin: "What's wrong with me? Did I do something wrong? Your elder brother is the famous Mr. Rong in Southern Xinjiang, and he is famously cunning! He helped Southern Xinjiang attack Xiliang soldiers, and even besieged You killed my son, and almost trapped my son to death. Our Xuan family is full of loyalty. As a daughter-in-law, you should report the news of your elder brother to the imperial court as soon as possible! Instead of hiding it all the time! It almost caused a catastrophe! do you know?"

   "Your son was almost trapped to death because of your son's incompetence! Why didn't Xuanyin get trapped?"

   "That's because he colluded with Rong Qing! Rong Qing released him!"

   "Ha!" Ning Yue laughed angrily, this mother-in-law refreshed her cognition once again. What does it mean to be stupid? This is! Her son's accident was caused by someone else's cunning, and Xuanyin's meritorious service was caused by someone else's release. The most ridiculous thing is the last sentence, if she hadn't gone to inform, the second uncle would have told the emperor the truth and asked for the emperor's understanding. This disaster was caused by her, and she was the one who put the hat of collaborating with the enemy and treason on her elder brother's head, but she still has the nerve to blame others!

  (end of this chapter)

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