Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 890: The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (6)

  Chapter 890 The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (6)

  Captain Wei went to Dali Temple with the prison car, and ran to the palace halfway. Could it be that something happened to the eldest brother?

  Ning Yue's heart skipped a beat.

Captain Wei panted quickly: "'s not good...someone robbed the prison seems to be... from the Xuan family..." He took out a token from his pocket, "There are two, I picked up one, the other, It was taken away by Dali Temple."

   Now it's all right, I can't tell at all.


  The emperor's order was to arrive at Xuan's family before lunch. The prisoner was imprisoned in the prison car, Rong Qing, a military advisor from Southern Xinjiang, but the Xuan family rescued Rong Qing.

  Xuan's family were all arrested and imprisoned.

  Xuan Yu, Xuan Zhao, Xuan Yin, Sun Yao, Qin'er, Ning Yue, Wang Fei, Xuan Xiaoying, even King Zhongshan was not spared.

  Dali Siqing personally came to arrest the suspect.

   "My lord, please slow down!"

   Just as Ning Yue was about to be pushed into the prison van, the female officer beside Princess Fuyuan arrived.

  Ms. Wen bowed to Dali Temple Minister and said: "My lord, Princess Fuyuan has a heart attack again. The imperial physicians can't cure it. I want to invite the princess of the county to come and treat her."

The last time Ning Yue saved the emperor who suffered a stroke, everyone thought that she had good medical skills, and she claimed to be Sikong Liu's closed disciple, and Sikong Liu never denied it, so Fuyuan invited her to see a doctor. In reason.

   "But..." Dali Siqing was very hesitant, the court wanted to commit a crime, so let it go, I'm afraid the superiors will blame it?

  Miss Wen said: "His Royal Highness has asked the emperor for instructions, and the emperor has given permission. In the past few days, the princess will stay in the princess mansion and treat the princess."

  The emperor agreed, so he has nothing to say.

  After Dali Siqing left, Lady Wen held Ning Yue's hand: "Princess Princess, there is only so much Her Royal Highness can do, the rest is up to you."

  Ning Yue bowed: "Thank you princess for me."

Lady Wen said softly: "If it weren't for you, Her Royal Highness would not have given birth to the little princess. Her Royal Highness believes in your character, and also believes that there must be something hidden about your elder brother. I hope you can find out the truth as soon as possible, and return your elder brother. Give the Xuan family justice!"

  After the people from Dali Temple arrested the female family members of the palace, they rushed to the barracks and took Zhongshan Wang and his son into the prison car.

   Xuanyin had not received a reward for his military service in Yunzhou earlier, so he asked the emperor to investigate the matter himself. The emperor let him go, but only gave him three days.

  Three days later, if Rong Qing cannot be arrested and no favorable evidence can be found, the Xuan family will be charged with treason.

  The concubine finally realized that she had been tricked by Suhuo. Suhuo didn't want to blackmail Ma Ningyue through Rong Qing at all, but just wanted to trick Rong Qing out of her and set up a trap for the Xuan family!

  It's a pity that she realized it too late. She, her husband, and three innocent children, including Sun Yao, who had a puffy belly, were all locked in a cold and dirty dungeon.


  The news spread quickly, Lin Lanzhi and Rong Lin were buying fabrics, and the crowd started talking about it.

   "Master Ma's son is not dead?"

   "Not only did he not die, but he also defected to southern Xinjiang and became a traitor! No, he was taken away by Dali Temple, right?"

   "I didn't take it away! The Xuan family was rescued halfway. The emperor was so angry that he threw the Xuan family into the dungeon!"

  Lin Lanzhi and Rong Lin threw down the cloth and hurried back to Ma's house. Seeing the mess in the Tangli courtyard, their eyes went dark and they passed out.

  Ning Yue and Xuan Yin returned to Ma's house at this time.

  The three of them closed the door and analyzed the current situation.

  (end of this chapter)

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